Père et fils

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The day has come. The moment that Étienne has been waiting for. Antoine and a few of his crew were there. They met right at the same spot André took his last breath. Tension filled the air. Antoine approached Étienne and attempts to talk to him calmly. But before he even reached where Étienne was positioned, he got shot in his right leg. Antoine's men were quick to rescue him. It was raining bullets everywhere. Antoine's men didn't notice that Étienne's people were situated on the roofs of the houses nearby. Antoine's attempt to settle things with Étienne was a suicide mission. Antoine's men fought but they all went dead. He was the only one standing and he still tried his best to reach Étienne. Étienne's men are not stopping firing at him. " They're dead sir!" One of Étienne's men reported to him in the walkie. "Good! Keep'em coming! Do not stop, until I said so!" Étienne responded as he watch Antoine in a blood bath.

If you will ask why Antoine didn't just transform to Azrael and take Étienne with him since he is the Angel of Death to fulfill the mission, and why does he need to suffer? Then it's Simple! This is God's Mission, Not his! Plus, this story wouldn't make sense if we skip out and make everything magic right?

Antoine's body grew weak over time. He passed out. He wasn't able to say his piece. One bullet went straight to his heart and that killed him. He immediately saw the blinding light.


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Antoine went dead and his soul traveled to heaven. He was welcomed by François. "Why are you here Dad? Grandpa hasn't called you yet? The mission is not yet finished." François said and hugged his father. "I know son! I was also wondering how I got here!" Antoine said in disbelief. "I'll go to the Throne Room and speak to Father, I'll catch up with you son!"  Antoine said in a hurry. He walked in the direction of God's throne.

Meanwhile on Earth

Guillaume sensed the sound of gunfire coming out from the playground. He flew in a hurry, he made sure that he was discreet when he spread his wings. " This is not good!" He said to himself nervously.
Étienne's men have gone down and they were pilling up the dead bodies.

Guillaume almost passed out when he saw the pile of bodies on the dirt. Then his eyes gazed over a familiar someone. "Azra!" He yelled. He ran towards where Antoine's body was. Étienne's men were doing a cleanup. They made sure that everyone is dead as the rover pile.

"Why are you here?" Étienne said to Guillaume's back. "I visited a friend nearby." Guillaume made a quick alibi. "Hmm, strange. and it's dawn! Anyway, this here!"Étienne stepped foot at Antoine's dead body. "He is the traitor!" Étienne spits on Antoine's body and then left. Guillaume wasn't able to make any move to defend himself and his dead brother's body. He just stared at him and cradle Antoine on his lap. "We will talk when they are all gone!" Guillaume whispered in Antoine's ear.

Just when everybody's gone. Guillaume spread his wings and transformed into Gabriel. He carried Azrael's dead body with him and they flew to Heaven. He cannot wait to go to Heaven and speak to God and ask what happened. Soon they reached the Gates. Azrael was able to get back to Antoine's body. "Brother!" Gabriel hugged Azrael. "You got scared?" Azrael said jokingly to Gabriel. "Of course Brother! we are humans down there! I thought we lost you forever!" Gabriel said and hugged his brother tightly. "Have you talked to Father yet?"Gabriel asked as they walked to the Throne Room. "Yes, Brother!" Azrael said smiling.

"I know why you're both here my sons!" God said as his eyes watches the crystal ball to have a view of what was happening to Earth. "Like what I said, what is bound to happen, is going to happen!" God said as he faced both of his sons.

"You mean Antoine will be gone? what about the last heir and the loom?" Gabriel asked God. "Don't worry about that son! Antoine will secretly go back with you to Earth. Everything that's happening now is according to my plan!" God explained and he hugged both Azrael and Gabriel. " Including Antoine's death Father?" Gabriel then again asked. "Yes, including that, which is a fake death by the way!" God said laughing. "How Father?" Antoine asked. "Oh! have you forgotten about the necklace your wife gave you?" God said as he looked at Azrael. Antoine's hand traveled thru his neck. "Yes, I almost forgot!" Antoine said as his hand hold the necklace. "That shielded you from the bullet that reached your heart. Your instinct told you that you were dead since the bullet reached your heart." God explained the little miracle that happened earlier.

"How will we go back, Father? We don't have people anymore?" Antoine asked while half of his attention was on the crystal ball. "You won't need it anymore son!" God said and went to Antoine and swung his arm. "Is the mission finished? But how?" Guillaume asked God and his attention was on the Crystal Ball too. " You'll see son, you'll see!" God replied and waved his hand and the brothers, Guillaume and Antoine were in a Hotel. They were both cleaned and were in their sleep.

Hélène was looking at the paper that Étienne gave him hours ago. She was surprised when she saw the name that was on the paper. "Shit!" Hélène exclaimed. She was in disbelief. All the memories she had with Jean came flashing thru her mind. "Are you okay mon amour?" Jean asked as he feels that Hélène's discomfort. " Yes, I'm okay mon amour!" Hélène reply with a fake smile. They were at the train station. They were trying to follow Mr. X, or should we say Jean's last mission. They were seated together hand in hand.

A/n: Hmm, It's super thrilling. And what does God mean by what he told Azrael and Gabriel? Will Hélène and Jean fulfill their individual mission? Please stay tuned! We're nearing the finale!

If you like this chapter please give it a ⭐and comment with your thoughts. Hope y'all have a Great Day ahead!

Borahae 💜


poijeunaibi 🖤

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