Le grand projet

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Chateaux Marseille

"Mon Amour?" Hélène asked as she shakes Jean to wake him up. " Oui mon amour?" Jean replied in his sleepy tone. "I had to wake you, seems you were having a bad dream!" Hélène said, and she slowly turns to her right to give Jean a glass of water to calm him down. "Thank you!" Jean said as he got the glass from Hélène and drank it. Jean had been sneaking into Hélène's room every night. For some reason, the lovers got used to that arrangement. And they are doing it for closer to a week now. Jean had that influence on Hélène, where she can't say no. Well, who can disagree with him? After saying that he isn't the man who always does his best, especially for Hélène, he is kept on doing it, he is always attentive to her but not in a super showy way. Hélène is starting to fall in love with those gestures from him. " Let's head to bed? are you feeling better now?" Hélène inquired after watching Jean gulp the last drop of water from the glass. "Tout va mieux mon amour, merci! Jean said as he kissed her forehead.

It was 2 days after Étienne had given them their mission. Jean had dreams about the two more that he had assassinated. Étienne's strict orders were to follow what is on the list. So that means, Mr. X will be the last from his list. He has one more and then, it's Mr. X.

Inside the Fraternity, Jean's dream was to be number 1. He somehow wanted to prove to the brotherhood that he is not some chicken shit. Not that everyone minds, but he doesn't want to hurt his ego. His focus on this goal. He knows he would gain money, just like Adrien as long as he does his job right. "Prêt, mon amour?" Hélène asked as they were about to leave for the next mission. "Ready!" Jean said and he followed Hélène's lead.

At the Secret Hideout

"Hmm, I wonder what is Étienne's next move? It's dead silent. This is so unlikely of him." Antoine said his thoughts aloud. "Mate, brother!" Guillaume said as he made his next move. Antoine is getting bored with everything. He wanted some action, but he do not want to disobey Father. They need Étienne to initiate action before doing such.

Louis and Aleksandra were practicing sparring. They were getting ready for the battle. Although Louis felt hurt about how his relationship with Adrien and Étienne ended, he didn't want to disobey the true purpose of the Loom. His faith in it is so strong. He will battle his 'adopted sons' for the real truth. He will also enlighten Jean, about it.

It's just a matter of time before everyone will know the truth. He wanted to be the first to tell it, Jean, that is why he had been stalking him and Sophie for a long while now. He would like to say his Sorry and that he has no intentions of leaving them. He was caught with his last mission. It so happened that Antoine and Guillaume needed him. Just when he dared to be normal and start all over again with Sophie and Jean, it was too late. "Are you okay Brother?" Aleksandra asked. Aleksandra must have hit Louis hard. It took a minute for him to respond. "Ye, Yeah, I'm okay!" Louis replied and got back to their sparring again.

Aleksandra knew that something was bothering Louis. She was very keen on observing him. While they were doing the sparring, Aleksandra had some flashes in her head. A flashback of her life, as a poor girl, she imagined herself and her mother, were close to begging in the streets in a little town in Slovenia. She remembered not being able to study. She only has 4 sets of clothes and none to eat. François took her and her mother in. She was pure and naive about a lot of things. She didn't know that poverty will be the reason for losing everything. The ritual that she and François performed made her mad. There could have been a chance for her to fall in love with François, but that opportunity vanished when she learned about the ritual she was forced to do. She has a certain belief in love. Now, those beliefs of hers were long gone. She doesn't feel a thing, for anyone or anything.

"Let's take a break!" Louis said. And the two of them stopped. Aleksandra went to her room, while Louis stayed on the grounds. He got himself a bottle of water and drank it. He is somehow feeling anxious. He feels like something is coming but he doesn't have an idea what it is.

Chateaux Marseille

"Be ready!" Étienne told his men. They will attack Antoine's hideout by midnight. Midnight came and Étienne gave his signal to his crew. Adrien, Jean, and Hélène were not aware of this attack. Adrien was busy with his girl. While the lovers have an agenda of their own.

 While the lovers have an agenda of their own

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Étienne rode his SUV. He brought his killer self in that vehicle. He may have toned down but he still has everything a number assassin has. The road to Antoine's secret hideout was dark but his eyes were like lasers. He knows this spot. The same place where their father, André got shot.

The road to Vaucluse was an hour's drive from Marseille. Antoine and his men have been prepared and they are ready for Étienne.


Antoine's men have been surveying the area. Since Antoine felt this upcoming war, his men, especially, his brother Guillaume had been flying back and forth to report to Antoine and their Original member of Assassins, the real Fraternity.

"They're here, brother!" Guillaume whispered in Antoine's ear. "Well then, let the games begin!" Antoine replied smirking. "Let him come to us! I'll take a few of my men. You guard the Original Loom, Brother!" Antoine said and then spread his wings and flew.

A/n: Hi guys, I'm getting nervous honestly. Why is Mr. X so important that he should be the last on Jean's list? Is there going to be a future? For him, For Hélène? Let's find out in the succeeding chapters.


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Borahae 💜


poijeunaibi 🖤

Loom of Fate- An ASSASIN'S LOVE STORY | JINMIN (REQUEST)Where stories live. Discover now