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The car horn blared nonstop for hours. The discussion of what to do about it lasted nearly as long.

Mike tuned the debate out, waiting for calmer heads to reach the only decision that made sense. They needed to send someone out there to investigate the source of the disruption before it created a bigger problem. Once talk switched from what to do to who would do it, his was the first hand raised to volunteer.

It made no sense to him not to jump in and deal with this pressing issue. As long as the racket persisted, the chances of attracting unwanted attention remained high. The folks from Mystic might have a more relaxed view when it came to living alongside the dead, but with the fence still incomplete, he wasn't willing to take any chances.

Having a reason to live again played a part in his decision. Eve was an unexpected ray of hope, dispelling the darkness that threatened to consume him after Barb and Katie's deaths. Fort Independence wasn't much to look at, with its tight quarters and confined spaces, but its walls were home for the time being. If safeguarding their community of friends and loved ones meant a trip into the perilous unknown, he was up for the challenge.

He wasn't the only one. Ed Stillson also raised his hand. Apparently, Emerson's former head of security still viewed his people's safety as his responsibility. His participation incited a few other men and women to join the cause, mostly from his own people but a few newcomers hopped onboard as well.

No soldiers, though. They were operating under orders to hold back to defend the Castle if necessary. The big blonde guy and the short-haired lesbian from Maureen's crew both jumped at the chance to help. Eve had her hand up too. Mike wasn't shocked to discover that she was the only one among her group who did.

The party totaled nine people. Aside from Ed and Eve, they were mostly strangers to him.

That changed on the short drive through the dock to the source of the disturbance. Mike rode in the second of two sedans, driven by Ed and accompanied by Drew, Robin, and Eve.

Though it didn't bother him that the folks in the lead car relegated all of the newcomers to the rear, not everybody handled their reduced station with such aplomb. Stillson cursed under his breath for the umpteenth time since setting off. Mike glanced over at him from his spot on the passenger seat. The boxer did his utmost to crush the wheel with his bare hands.

"What's wrong?" Mike whispered.

Stillson shook his head without looking. "Should be me up there," he grumbled. "I'm in charge of security."

"They know their way around Milton's traps. Can you say the same?"


Mike shrugged. "How about we let them do their thing then, huh? For now."

Ed returned to glaring at the tail of the car ahead. He muttered, "Fuck," and then said nothing more on the matter.

With him settled, Mike caught a bit of the conversation from the back seat. "...missed my chance. I heard you two are an item now. Is that true?"

Mike peeked over his shoulder at Eve. She sat between Robin and Drew, looking perturbed by the woman's inquiry. "You never had a chance," she asserted.

"Robin, give it a rest, why don't you?" Drew said. "The lady's clearly not interested."

"Easy for you to say. You're bedding the schoolmarm," Robin grumbled, turning away to glare out the window. "The only one showing an interest in me is the class brat."

They followed the lead car out of the maze of shipping containers and into a sunset-dimmed view of the empty docks. With no walls obstructing them, the shrieking car horn was much louder here. It was shrill enough to begin attracting a few wandering strays to the area. The zombies stopped in their tracks and turned to growl at the approaching vehicles.

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