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That word. That hateful word, crossing the expanse of time and trauma, returned to Danielle's eardrums as if breathed from her nightmares.

Hearing that youthful, haughty voice again brought back memories of a gun-toting girl concealed under a costume of gore. The deserted street in Amherst where Penny Trask and her gang held up their car at gunpoint was practically a lifetime away. She never imagined she'd ever encounter her again.

Yet here she was; wearing the face of a child she once called friend. Danielle stared at Paige – at Penny – with awakened eyes, seeing past the macabre makeover she wore previously and recognizing the horrible person underneath. Stripped of her illusion, there was no question that Penny and Paige were one in the same.

"Dani, please..."

Danielle shook the tiny, quivering frame clutched in her fists. All she had to do was let go. Gravity would deliver the end that Penny Trask deserved for her part in hurting Charlie and risking her family's lives.

The memory of their terrifying experience through a hospital full of monsters to save Charlie's life stoked the flames of Danielle's anger. "Give me a reason, Penny Trask," she snarled, "or I'll end you right here."

Penny gaped at her with frightened eyes. In them, Danielle saw a flurry of emotions, ranging from fear to shame. The one thing she didn't find in them was any source of confusion. It was all the confirmation of Paige's real identity that she needed.

Penny stole a peek at the ground dozens of feet below. "Please. Don't do this. I know you. You're not this person."

"If you think I'd let you put my family and friends in danger again, you don't know me any better than I know you."

Danielle planted her feet. Her biceps shivered with the weight of the burden hanging from her fists. Surviving the past couple of weeks had left her in better shape than she had ever been, but her strength wasn't unlimited. Penny was growing heavy.

"I've changed. I'm not that person anymore."

"Bullshit," Danielle growled. "I'm letting go."

Penny grabbed her wrists, intending to either save herself or pull Danielle over the side with her. "Wait!" she screamed.

"Last chance. I've had it with you."

"No, no, stop! Please!" Penny wailed, her voice hitching as she burst into tears.

Danielle stared at her, no longer seeing the gun-toting bandit disguised in layers of gore. The one she held off the roof was nothing more than a terrified girl, bawling for her life.

"I'm s-sorry..." Penny mewled. "Please, Danielle. I'm so, so sorry. I'm not a good person, I know that. But you have to believe me, I'd never do anything to hurt you or your family. Not ever again."

Danielle scrutinized the petrified child, trying to gauge her sincerity. With the muscles in her arms starting to feel like strands of boiled spaghetti, there was no time to give it serious consideration. Relying on instinct, she had to make a split second decision. Let the girl fall or...

Danielle twisted away from the edge, pulling Penny from the brink and tossing her back onto the roof. The girl sprawled on a patch of grass growing from the stone surface, sparing her from anything worse than a few scrapes and bruises.

"Ugh! Owww..." she moaned, rubbing her sore arms and legs.

Danielle clenched her fists at her sides. She didn't want to let on how tired her arms were. After the exertion of supporting Penny's weight, her biceps had turned to rubber.

Penny wiped the dampness from her eyes and stared up at her. "Thank you—"

"Let's get one thing straight right now, Paige Treadwell. We are not good. We'll never be good," Danielle snarled. "I'm giving you this one chance. I'll keep your identity secret, but you don't come near me, my friends, or my family ever again. Do you get me?"

Paige blinked in shock and rapidly nodded her head.

"If I even suspect you're causing trouble again, I'll tell everyone who you really are. You think you're scared now? Wait until my mom gets hold of you. Hell, wait until Charlie finds out. He's been itching for payback for that hole you guys put in his stomach."

"I won't. I'll be good," Paige blurted.

Danielle narrowed her gaze, deciding if the girl was being straight with her. She looked thoroughly shook up by the experience, but that didn't mean anything. Paige was obviously a very skilled liar.

"Fine. Pick yourself up and get out of my sight before Richard comes back," Danielle said.


Shit. Call her Paige, not Penny. Remember that, Danielle mentally berated herself. The girl's identity was like one of those optical illusions that, once seen, can't be unseen. She'd have to watch her tongue, or risk letting the cat out of the bag.

Paige stood on shaky knees and limped away without a word, hugging her injured arms against her chest. Danielle watched her depart. The younger girl didn't once look back.

After she left, Danielle strolled closer to the edge for a better view of the steadily growing menace amassed outside the fort's wire enclosure.

The spear-wielding defenders were doing their best to put down the herd before its combined weight overwhelmed the barrier. If they shared her perspective from on high, they'd likely realize the futility of their efforts. The fence wasn't going to stand against all the zombies still coming their way.

Paige had brought up a good point. She didn't know why the road barricades weren't slowing down the horde anymore. The only answer that came to mind was that people fleeing Fort Independence last night had cleared them out of the way of their vehicles, rather than risk driving through the booby-trapped docks. What remained of their defenses might not be sufficient to buy them time to clear the dead at this pace.

Danielle shuddered. She hoped someone could stem the tide. From where she stood, the Castle was starting to look more like the Alamo.

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