Mama drama

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Jerome and Faith's mom in the media

Star P.O.V
Lia been hanging out and doing stuff with Faith too much lately. Thats not acceptable, ever since I saw Faith that first day I never liked her, but Lia did. Like really like her, oh yea she didn't tell you yet she's bisexual, but she prefers to go out with a boy. She liked Faith and her brother. So as a friend I started talking to Faith, and that's when we met her brother and her brother told us to look after her and then we started hanging out with her more often. But now her presence annoy me, I can't wait until she get out the picture and go to college already and then I'll get my girl back because we both said we weren't going to college we we're going to open a hair salon.
End of P.O.V

The bell rang and it was now to.e for lunch. I met up with Lia at the table and I sat next to her. When I got there she looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey Faith, wassup"

"These fucking teachers is getting on my nerves, but wassup with you, why you have that kool aid smile on your face?" She looked at me and started blushing ode

"No reason, just here texting Jerome"

"Oh shit what yall....nvm i do not need to know what uou and my brother is talking about"

"You wasnt going to see it any way, and now I know being a freak runs in your family"

"Eww, too much information" We both started laughing and we talked some more until Star came from upstairs and sat with us looking around.

"Who you looking for" i asked with curiosty

"D'angelo he was suppose to be here by now....oh there he goes be right back" Lia looked at her and then at me

"You havent told her?" I looked at her and shook my head. We both looked at D'angelo and Star kissing and him grabbing her ass. After that he gave her a long ass hug, he spotted Lia and I watching them and he blew a kiss to me and I instantly got up and walked inside the cafe. Lia followed me and stopped me.

"Dont let that fool get to you, I didn't" I looked at her with a confused look on my face as she said the last part quietly and then looked away

"What happen between you and D'angelo" she looked at me with a look I can't describe

"Nothing, I dont want to talk about it"

"Spit it out" After I said that she told me that, few months ago when it was her and Star at D'angelo house and was smocking weed and Star was knocked out. Then D'angelo started kissing her and feeling her breast and going down on her. She screamed and left but Star didnt here. I looked at the tears falling out her eyes and i hugged her.

"Where was I, when this happen?"

"It was when you went to your aunts house for her birthday" I sighed and I asked her qhy she didnt tell Star and said she knew Star, she was just going to stick up for him. I told he I wanted to change the subject and we did. The bell rang and we haven't seen Star for the rest of the day. I walked out the school and saw Lia talking to Treyvon. I walked up to them and hugged Treyvon.

"Wassup, how you doing"

"Im good, why you here" Lia looked at me and pushed me on my arm

"Obviously, he here for you"

"Oh....I didn't mean it that way, I.." He cut me off

"Na, its ok I was just wondering if you wanted a ride home"

"Sure, umm Lia you want a ride?"

"No, I going to see if I could find Star"

"OK, talk to you later" I got into the car and he drove off. Favorite by Nicki Minaj ft Jerimiah came on and I started singing to it.

"You know you could really sing right?" I started blushing instantly

"Umm.. thanks"

"No problem, by the way we still on for this Saturday?"

"Of course"

"OK....this is you right here?"

"Yea, thanks for the ride" I was about to open the door, and then he stopped me and I turned around then our lips met. We kissed for what seems like for ever and it was amazing. I could feel myself getting wet so I backed away with a smile on my face. He got out the car and open the door for me and i got out. He smiled and hug me, then whispered in my ear, I can't wait for saturday. I watched him as he got in his car and drove off. I looked for my keys and open the door and then I felt a sharp pain on the side of my face.....

Treyvon P.O.V
That kissed felt like everything and I know she felt it too. I really like Faith and I think she may be the one, not to sound all corny and shit. But I know boss thinks im just messing around with his sister thats why he called me and told me to meet him at the trap after I drop faith off. So that where im heading now. I hope he make me be happy with Faith
End of P.O.V

When I turned around I saw that my mom Just smacked me across my face. She looked heated but I could Barely see with all the tears coming from my eyes.

"What the hell ma, what was that for?"

"Who you raising your voice at? Who was that boy you was kissing uo on in that car? You better not be having sex, im not raising no grand children. I didnt raise you to be a hoe" I looked at her and then now i was geting heated

"He's my boyfriend ma, and you cant stop me fron seeing him, and yes we are having sex" before she can say anything I ran up to my room. I was too mad to even talk to her right now. This is my firat time having a real boyfriend and shes over reacting. Im turning 18 in a few weeks and shes treating me like im a child. Treyvon and me are not having sex I just said that because she really pissed me off. I just started blasting my music and locked the door. A few minutes later I felt my eyes getting heavy and then I fell asleep.

Lia's P.o.V
I can't find Star anywhere and I have been calling her. I know I'm mad at her but this is not like her. She want even answer her mom calls and now Faith is not answering me now. I don't know what to do. The last place I saw her was at school with D'angelo. Ugh ima get Jerome and make him come with me to D'angelo's house.
End of p.o.v

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