She's back

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5:00 am Faith's P.o.v
I woke up to everybody sleeping in a hospital room. I pulled the sheet off of me and then I saw a baby bump and then I started crying. I knew what happened, This happened because of D'angelo. Should I keep the baby? I don't believe in abortion, but what about adoption? What am I going to do? I got up and went into the bathroom quietly without waking everybody up. I looked in the mirror and examine my baby bump. Then I realize I can't give up this baby. Even though this happened out of a mistake this will be the most beautiful mistake that ever happened to me. I always dreamed about having a boy first, I hope it's a boy. I wiped my tears away and went back into the room.
I went to Jerome first and then jumped on him. He woke up and then hugged me very tightly while waking up Lia and Lia screamed waking up Treyvon and Malachi. I looked over at Treyvon and I could see the happiness in his eyes, I walked over to him and hugged him for what seems like forever.

"OK, you could let go now" Jerome said in a mean slight playful tone

"Still the same Jerome, where's ma? Why she not in here with y'all?" Everybody went quiet and Treyvon told me to sit down. I sat down and Jerome came to me

"Ma's dead Faith, she took a head shot the day you was kidnapped" I could feel the world spinning around me as the tears started flowing

"When was the funeral, how long I been in and out?"

"We had the funeral three months ago and we found you a month ago"

"That can't be the last thing I said to her....oh my god we were in an argument, that shouldn't be the last thing she remebers me by....I... " Jerome hugged me and told me ti calm down. I wiped my years away and held my belly, they were right I should calm down it's not good for the baby.

"She's not even, going to be able to see her grand child" they all looked at me

"Your keeping it?" Jerome asked

"Yes I am" Treyvon hugged me and then kissed me. I was surprised, I thought he would have left by now. I could feel Jerome eyes on me so I pushed back and then went to him and Lia and hugged them.

"Don't mind me, it's not like im visible or nothing" Malachi hissed because hugs was going around and he still didn't get one

"I didn't forget about y....wait what happen to Star and D'angelo?" I instantly turned around to them because looking at Malachi reminded me about the beatings.

"D'angelo is dead, and Star is rottening in jail" I sighed in relief, I hugged Malachi and thanked him, I started crying in his arms and he said everything will be ok.

"Im not going to force you to tell me what happened, when your ready im here" Lia said

"Isnt it obvious, I have a baby bump and bruises, I was in the hospital for what seems like forever, and I missed my mothers funeral and the last thing she's going to remember me by is me telling her I had sex with Treyvon. If she was here right now, she would uh ld be disappointed in me because of this baby. I can't think of anything else but her and this baby"

"We are all here for you, we going to help you, and Treyvon is here to support you all the way. I know that ma would just have been happy thatbyou are alive. I'm sorry about what you went through, but everything thatbyou are going through or went through, a beautiful blessing is going to come out of it" Jerome hugged me and then they all left the room except Lia. They said they were going to get the docter. We sat down on the bed and she heloed me change my clothes.

"Now Lia can you tell me why this room looks like a ballon and flowers fest just passed by through here" I said through sniffles

"Treyvon, just couldnt keep away, he loves you, you know"

" I know, but I just cant let him be in my life, especially now that I have a baby on the way that is not his'

"He wants to be there for you, let him" As soon as she said that the boys came in with a huge birthday cake and what do you know....more ballons. Everybody started singing happy birthday even the doctors. I forgor today was my birthday, I said thank you to everybody and then we all enjoyed the cake.

"Excuse me, you could sign the release forms for Faith now" a nurse said

"I want to sign it, since I'm 18 now" I wined, he gave me the forms and walked away mumbling under his breath

"You 18 now but still wine like a baby" I laughed at his comment and then we all left the hospital and got into the car

"So we going home?"

"Yea but not the home your thinking about" I started asking more questions and they just told me to be quiet. We arrived 2 hours later to this big beautiful house. I got out and went in front of it.

"We live here now?"

"Yes as soon as you finish school we're moving here" I went in the house and got scared when some one jumped out and yelled happy birthday. I jumped on Antonio and then punched him for scaring me.

"Hey fifi, I'm just glad your awake"

"I'm glad im awake too, now your squeezing me"

"Sorry, wouldn't want to crush my nephew, your keeping it right?" He said while rubbing my belly. I smiled and shook my head and walked fully inside. This house got four bedrooms and bathrooms in three of them and there was an extra one downstairs. There was a huge living room with a flat screen t.v. The dining room was amazing. I went upstairs to one of the rooms and I saw that there was a crib that said you got to have a little Faith. I started crying and then I felt some one arms wrapped around me I quickly jumped due to what happen the last time. I turned and saw that it's Treyvon.

"Its OK it's only me, thought it was best to have a baby room just in case you thought about keeping the baby" I smiled and then gave him a kiss

"And umm....this is our room" he opened the door in the room and it was a huge walk in closet. He guided me to the other side and opened the next door. There was another flat screen t.v on the wall facing a king sized bed with a huge ass mirror, this was one of the masters bed room, the bathroom was on the other side of the room.

"I know you conceited so I added the mirror"

"This is amazing, I love it" I kissed him and then went back into the closet with all my new clothes. Lia came in and told me that she picked out everything and I loved it.

"Jerome said its time to go, we have to get back"

"Where we going?"

"To the old house thats were we staying until schools over" I frowned And then walked downstairs to the car. We drove back home and by the time we got there I fell asleep. I felt someone pick me up and carried me to my room and got in bed with me. Tomorrow is school and I have to make up what I missed in the space of 1 and a half months. I got up in the middle of the night and went into ma's room and sat down and made a prayer

Dear ma
Sorry for all the trouble I caused you. I know you up there listening to me, I don't want you to remember me for being a slut or w.e you thought of me when I told you I had sex. I love you and I know you probably ty out wouldn't approve of me having this baby, but for once I'm going to do something I want, this wasn't the way I wanted it to happen at at this age on top of the fact too but it's happening and Treyvin is here to support me. I really miss you and I know Jerome does too and one day we going to be up there with you. Please watch over us and your future grand child we all love you
R.i.p mom

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