Chapter Five: Promise of the New Generation

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" When you help someone, you're also helping yourself. Instead of worrying about how much you get in return, you're better off helping as many people as you can and expect nothing in return. "

              - Tapan Ghosh


Kushina looked down onto the academy entrance, down below on the ground was her savior's youngest son.

She was lost in memories of that day, that day would always scar her. Nonetheless, in the darkness time in her life, the light will always pierce the dark.

" Kyōraku clan? '' Minato said confusingly, " Oh kami…you haven't heard of the Kyōraku clan? " Jiraiya said in his usual exasperated tone.

" I have heard of them, they are one of the three great royal clans of Konoha with the Senju and Uchiha clan being the other two, " Minato said while Jiraiya nodded.

" I think what Minato~kun is trying to do is get more information about the clan, " Hiruzen said, Minato nodded his head always hungry for more information to become the hokage and he was generally curious about of most elusive of the three royal clans.

" Well the Kyōraku clan has a sister clan which is the Nara clan, however, the Kyōraku clan is superior to the Nara clan in every way. Not only is there control over shadows better, but the average IQ of a Kyōraku clan is nearly 85IQ points more than than the Nara clan. Kenjutsu is seemingly in their blood like fuinjutsu is to the Uzumaki clan, however, they possess a great level of laziness that's far superior than the Nara clan. However, if a member of the Kyōraku clan manages to overcome this problem, they can be high kage level opponents. The only member to my knowledge that has overcome this inability is the founder of the Kyōraku clan and the current clan head, " Hiruzen explained to his student's successor.

Minato had stars in his eyes, they seemed so cool and relaxed it made him want to meet them. "Amazing!! How many members of the clan are three? I haven't seen anybody with the Kyōraku clan symbol until today," Minato said, entering full fanboy mode.

Hiruzen merely chuckled at the excitement of his student's successor, " Most of them were wiped out in the first great shinobi war, kid. However, they made a comeback in the second great shinobi war where they nearly won the entire war by themselves. I was actually saved by one in the second great shinobi war, " Jiraiya answered the question while Minato nodded his head.

" As of right now, Tadashi, Masao, and Naruto are the only full-blooded Kyōraku clan members left. Emi is Masao's wife and if they have children they would be half-blooded members of the Kyōraku clan, " Hiruzen explained on top of his student's given information, Minato nodded and they continued overseeing the new academy students.

However, all their eyes were glued to Naruto Kyōraku. They were examining the body, they could tell he already has some battle experience with his somewhat devolved body.

They also noticed how he balanced his weight to his right foot which is a stance to be on guard for any attacks meaning he was trained.

However, he suddenly stopped in his tracks which confused Hiruzen, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Minato, and Kushina.

However, he suddenly looked up to the roof and made direct eye contact with Hiruzen. The Sandaime Hokage's eyes widened, no three year old boy would be even able to detect an A-Rank genjutsu let alone be able to perceive past the genjutsu and to see them.

However, his intuition was correct and Naruto noticed and was able to see them. Naruto raises his hands up and raises six fingers with the remaining four down.

" Impossible!! That little brat was able to see us, " Tsunade yelled out, Orochimaru's eyebrows raised in interest. A promising individual that could be stronger than him doesn't come that often.

Hiruzen merely smirked and turned around to Minato, " It seems like your academy scores are going to be broken, " Hiruzen said to Minato.

Minato merely nodded his head.

" It would seem so, "

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