| T H I R T E E N |

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No ones POV:
Bruce slowly blinked his eyes awake from the chokehold which held him in a sleep, he stared down at an asleep Vance. Concrete walls were the only thing that were obvious to see from anywhere in the room.

Then, it hit Bruce like a bullet. The kidnapping.

Bruce's eyes were dazed, tired. The whole earth which surrounded him was hazy. He could barely make out anything in the basement. Until a loud clattering noise was heard.

"Well, i see one of you are awake, would you like some breakfast?" The stern voice spoke loudly, Bruce stared up, although in his dazed state, he could tell he was wearing a mask.
"No, you'll put something in it." Bruce spoke, his voice nasally from the stuff which was shot down his throat.

"Why would i put something in it if you're already down here, now, i'll go up and make some breakfast." He walked away quickly, the loud lock clanking against the metal door. Bruce just stared down at Vance, he began to cry.

Although his cry was no more than a breath.

Small sobs slipped away from Bruces lips as he laid tiredly next to Vance, his body felt weak. This felt like the one time he wasn't the golden child. Locked away in a basement, from some sadistic creep. Bruces body trembled as his sobs grew louder.

Vance slowly awoke from the unconsciousness, Bruces small sobs made Vance worry.
"Where are we, Bruce, please. Calm down." Vances husky voice made Bruce turn his head quickly towards Vance, latching on tightly, never wanting to let go.

After a few minutes of Bruces sobs, he opened his mouth. Beginning to speak.

"He kidnapped us! That freak kidnapped us!" Bruces words were cut short as the loud metal of the door was heard, they both glanced at the door in fear as the masked man came from behind the widths of the door.

"Oh, i see you're both awake. I may make more eggs for you young one, but you'll need to be good." The same voice which came from the man made Bruces skin crawl, although Vance held in the insults which tickled at his throat. Eager to spit them out at the man, but he knew if he did it'd make the situation worse.

The grabber placed down the tray of food, carefully pushing the tray on the floor.
"Eat up, i'll see you kids soon." The grabbers voice spoke, more of a command rather than a request though.

Bruce crept towards the plate slowly, picking a small bit up with his hand and chewing it. The taste of eggs were in his mouth, they were cold, stale.

"Do you want some Vance." Bruce slowly pushed the tray towards Vance, Bruce looked up at him with his stained cheeks which were red and splotchy.

"Yea, sure." Vance didn't trust it, but he wanted to make sure he had enough energy to get out of this shit hole. He did almost the identical thing Bruce did, a small bite of food. It tasted ordinary, bland.

Bruce laid back on the wall, feeling too drained to cry once again.
"We'll never make it out, not alive at least." Bruce said sadly, although Vance scoffed.
"We'll make it out, we can fight this shitty sadistic dick easily, just with the right things." Vance spoke, his words intertwined with happiness and anger at the same time.

Bruce only let out a small chuckle, a few thoughts came into his mind. What if they did escape? No one else would be kidnapped.

Vance and Bruce ate the eggs together, thinking of a plan to get them out of the basement. They'd get out of this together, in the afterlife or not, they'd always be together in the end.

Word count: 638
(Ooo cliffhanger.)

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