Chapter 7

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Dhalom Ashmalaines

The next thing, my head felt so heavy and painful on the side of my forehead. I could picture a lump like a hump extrusion even though I didn't see it with my own two eyes. A beam of light twinkled my eyes open. It was right above me, then it was shifted to my face.

"Rise and shine sweet heart!"

It was a voice of a woman, I could tell, with her face not showing, and I recognised her. It was Dhalom Ashmalaines. Purely Arabian, ruthless and completely mad. I was warned of her by Mark.

No freaking way!
I remember him saying she can go extra miles. Guess was to find out what he really meant.

"First of all, I'm not your...." I felt as if my left jaw was broken. I spat out a froth of blood on the floor.

She hissed, "You don't say a word, unless I tell you to. Understand?"

I strugglingly lifted my face to her and she smiled. I couldn't sustain that stare, then my face fell off.

"You killed my best agent," she said, warmly.

Before I said the second phrase, aloud, I said to myself, he was easy to kill. "He murdered my girlfriend!" I said, angrily, but I paid for that with another scutching blow on the other jaw.

"I think you didn't get me when I said you talk when I please."

I didn't get to see what she was using to hit me. All I knew it wasn't her knuckles. I slightly stirred my throbbing body to look for it and I soon enough spotted it. It was a baseball wrapped in a sock. In that pinch of a considerable break, I took it to study the room around me. It had solid brown wooden walls, no furniture, but a bunch of small creepy metals. You know what I mean, like those you see in movies when someone is about to be tortured.

She touched my head and said, "Cute boy. Way more cute.  Right, you're going to tell me who else knows about what's inside this computer."

I stared at her in disgust, showing my ingorant face. My head kept on moving sideways as I had no much strength left in me.

She turned her face to three men behind her, if I saw correctly, and said, meekly, "I think he's deaf. Let me see if he does understand sign language." She moved her fingers like a pair of scissors, closer to my thumb, making that scritching sound with her mouth. It somehow worked on me, though I didn't say what she would'd been pleasured with.

I said, "I want to know the same thing. I have no idea who unlocked it at the first time."

"Huh, my bad. Wrong question." She steadily said. "I think we're going to start with the one when you had my customers' agents killed."

I couldn't move a brow or a muscle on my face. I took it hard to say the words, "Wrong question, again. You must ask how I get wemen's attention."

What was that? I felt my whole body jolting into a huge pain jab. Was the chair connected to a power source? She got to be kidding me. I somehow lost the nerve of my wound until the shock came in.

"You can't even let me finish," I shouted.

"I said, I need the name."

"So I took a leak from a very reliable source of one of the 'most important' shipping and put a sharp niddle."

Well, she tried to hit two birds with one stone and the other bird got away. I was the other bird. "On that very same day, you ordered a hit on me, right, like you always do to clear your obstacles. Well, I just exchanged my car with theirs, told them, 'change of plans' and they took your word. So technically, you killed them and dump their bodies. " I took a hard laugh which turned into a cough. "I mean, I told them it was your plan. Wait, I remember them calling their boss. Oh, what did I do?"

I definitely shouldn't had made fun of her. She gave me two more strong blows.

"Give me the name, I play nice. How does that sound?" Her tone indicated that she held her relieving breath trying to speek calm. Her chest couldn't contain the airbag she held, so she let go off the leash.

I took a sight to her face and she wasn't balanced on the scale of her temper. This made me realise we were going to dance several times.

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