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"Git' down!" Papa hollered, bearing his shotgun. Gertrude and the kids all fell to the ground, hands over their ears and eyes.

His family now safe from shooting range, Papa starts shooting the flying dragon known as Prince Fang. He misses multiple times, but doesn't stop.

"Uh.. Mama!" Billy yelps to Gertrude, while trying to get Maddie off of him. Sally struggled to hold down Freddy from getting shot- with the help of Spencer (who's really no help at all), and Sue.

"What is it, honey?" Gertrude asks sweetly, despite the fact that her husband was trying to shoot down a dragon.

"Papa's shooting pretty dangerously close to that water tower..." Billy points it out. Prince Fang, as if on cue, perches himself on the top of it. Gertrude squints, then her eyes go wide. "That isn't a water tower..." She mutters.

"Then what is it?" Spencer asks in his usual lisp.

"It's a military containment plant..." Sue mutters, fear shrouding his voice. "I heard about it in the news..." Spencer replies. "Isn't it filled with some kind of super-cool virus?"

"That virus is anything but super cool... It's-"

Sue is cut off by a loud bang, a screech, and a pop.

The bang from Papa's gun.

The screech from a fleeing Prince Fang...

And a pop from the bullet striking the containment. A dark smoke hisses out of the containment as well as a liquid.

"Oh no." Gertrude gestures for everyone to stand.

"Whoops. My bad." Papa rubs his neck.

"Alright kids... Time to run." Gertrude instructs, grabbing Papa by the arm, towards the van. The kids pop into the back and Gertrude takes the wheel.

"Hey! This is my van- therefore I drive!" Papa grumbles. Gertrude gives him a cold glare- surprising the man. "The family is in danger. Now get in the passenger seat before I tie you to the roof with Freddy!" She snaps.

The kids exchange shocked glances as Papa grumbles and sits in the passenger seat- in defeat.

"Hold on!" Gertrude hollers as the car does a U-turn and zooms down the high way.

"What's gonna happen now, Mama?" Billy asks, still trying to pry Maddie from him- who now appears frightened.

"... Danger. Serious danger..." Gertrude replies sternly, her eyes glued to the road.

Maddie looks at Billy, genuinely scared. "Billy..."

He looks at the ginger girl and sighs. "We'll be fine, Maddie... I'll protect you."

Maddie blushes slightly, but then nods. "O-Okay..." The mumbles.

"Where are we going?" Sally asks, bouncing on the spot while Sue braided her hair.

"As far as possible from this town." Gertrude replies.

"But... What about-" Papa starts.

"It's what's best for the family." Gertrude interrupts. Papa looks at her expression, determination to save the kids. He sighs in defeat and leans back in the chair. "Right...

For the family."

Acachalla Apocalypse [VenturianTale Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now