Chapter 2; Our First Loss

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"Y'all better be sure this place has food." Papa grumbles as he rams down the giant steel door to a radio tower. He points his gun up and stares into the darkness. The rest of us flood in.

"Mama..." I whisper, worried. "I don't think it's safe here..."

Mama Gertrude looks at me, sternly, holding her pistol close. "Billy-Hun, safe or no, we need food." She replies softly.

"Sally, it's okay. Keep Freddy outside." Maddie instructs Sally, taking my sister's hand. "But..." Sally whimpers.

"Quiet!" Papa hisses. Spencer and Sue stay in the back of the pack as the rest of us aim our guns in separate directions.

"Alright. What we gon' do is spread out and raid the pantry. Got it?" Papa whisper yells. Everyone nods and fans out.

As usual, Maddie and Sally stay close to me. Maddie has the flash light, and shines it around. We look around the broken-down building for awhile until we finally find something.

"Is that..." I blink.

"It can't be." Maddie sputters.

"Wafflez!" Sally squeaks and grabs the box from the tabletop. "Can I, Biwwy? Pwease?!" She pleads, tugging at my shirt. I sigh in defeat and smile. "Fine, Fine. Eat them quickly- before Papa sees."

Sally squeals and starts eating the waffles- savouring each bite.

These might be the last waffles in the country. You never kno-


A voice cried. A familiar voice.

A Sue voice.

"Sue!" All three of us cry as we burst into a sprint towards the sound. We all gasp as we see Sue, trying his best to keep the infected person from hurting him- but failing.

"Mama!" Sally screeches, running to find Mama Gertrude. Maddie rushes at the infected and kicks it to the hard cement wall. "Sue- get out of here!" Maddie cries, turning to the weak man- who doesn't move.

"Sue?!" Maddie's voice cracks in fear.

"Maddie Friend! Look out!" I yelp, as the infected lunges at her. I throw myself in front of her and hold the infected person to the ground, avoiding it's bites and clawing.

"Billy!" Mama and Papa called to me, worried. I struggle, but am eventually thrown off by Spencer, who makes everyone duck down. "Get down!" He yelps.

"Eat led, you sick little monster!" Papa hollers, shooting the infected several times before it collapsed.

It's silent. Everyone's breathing returns to a normal pace...

"Cough cough.."

Everyone's eyes lock on Sue- and we gasp. He had a huge stab wound in his stomach, which was bleeding out rapidly.

"Sue!" Everyone cries as we surround him. I fumble with my med kit and try to find the right supplies-

But Sue forces my hands weakly to the ground. My eyes stare at his, tears pricking both his and mine. He smiles slightly at me. "D-Don't... We all knew I... W-wouldn't last much.. Longer..." He coughs.

"No... No no no no no! We can still save you! We.. I... I can do something about it!" I argue, tears stinging my eyes now. Sue is quiet for a moment before speaking.

"Billy..." He starts, his voice weakening with each word.

"You.. Were the brother I always wanted..."

My heart drops to my stomach. Suddenly all he ever did to try and help- even before the virus... It was out of brotherly love.


"Sue, what are you doing?!" I yelp, watching as my adoptive brother glues hm lego blocks together with superglue, building a giant letter B.

"I'm making your name out of Lego!" He chirps.

Though anger consumed me... I smiled anyways. Why was I smiling? I was furious.

... Or was I?

"... Hey Sue?" I ask.


"Can I help?"

~End of Flashback~

My chest hurt, my stomach churned. My mind kept yelling at me to save him but...

I couldn't. Sue wouldn't let me.

"Sue.." My voice cracks as I speak, tears close to falling. "Please... D-Don't do this... You.. You can't..." I plea. "L-Let me.. Let me help... I don't want..."

Sue took my hand, as well as Sally's- who was already crying a river. "... I love you guys..."

The words that left his mouth were sweet... Loving... But disintegrated into the polluted air after a few seconds. His voice, forever a simple memory now.

But for me... Everything stopped.

Time had stopped. Everything was still as I stare as the final breath of my adoptive brother left him.

Sue was dead.

I watched in horror as the life slowly left his eyes... And his hand became limp. I felt for a pulse... But didn't get one.

Gertrude held Sally back- as she screamed and thrashed about... She was furious.

And so was I.

Furious that I didn't go ahead and save him. Ignoring his plead for death.

Tears instantly stream down my face, as I continue holding the hand of my only older brother, not ever wanting to leave his side. Sure, he was adopted. And sure, he's my 'sister'...

But I still cared... No matter what he did. I cared.

Was this what loss felt like?

Was this what true pain felt like?

I didn't like it.

I sit there, holding Sally next to me as we both cry. Spencer soon joined us... Reassuring us that Sue was in a better place now.

A place that wasn't infected with a virus.

A place I want to be.

Acachalla Apocalypse [VenturianTale Fanfic]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin