Chapter 5; Brotherly Bonding

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A week after Freddy's death, Sally still hasn't spoken to me. If she did speak to me, it would come out as a grunt or hate-filled demand. She wasn't letting me off the hook. And I understand why.

And as if finding a cure for the virus wasn't causing enough pressure, now Sally blames me for everything that happens. Lack of food, surprise infected attack...

Mama couldn't do anything to help. Spencer didn't wanna get attacked by Sally. Maddie... Was the only one who kept her calm. Most of the time.

Just the thought of my little sister- the adorable little girl who always played with me when nobody else would. The girl who took blame for things whenever I screwed up.

The thought that the same little girl hated me... Purely hated me.

It broke my heart. Almost literally.

"Billy?" Maddie pipes up, looking at me worried. I had blanked out while gathering wood for a fire. I look at her, and she sees my expression. I was broken.

"Are you doing okay?" She asks softly, putting a hand on my shoulder. I step back and curl my fists tightly. "N-no... I'm n-not." I stutter, flashing memories attacking once again.

I hate you Billy!

Hate you!


"I'm... Anything but okay..." I mutter, and drop the logs I had found into the fire pit and walk off. Not too far, but just enough so nobody would bother me.

I climb a large tree that, despite the virus killing most of the plant life... Still stood strong. I sat on a branch and stared at the greyish sky. Cloudy, no sun shining. The usual.

"Billy?" A lispy voice calls out to me. I look down and see Spencer, standing there without his laptop- which was rare.

"Yeh?" I reply, slowly climbing down the tree. Spencer rubs his neck and looks at me. "... You're taking this Sally thing pretty hard. Do you wanna... I dunno... Talk?"

I blink. The Mighty Spence, smartest Acachalla, biggest gaming nerd.... Wanted to talk? About my problems?

"... You wanna listen?" I shrug with my hands in my pocket as I speak. Spencer smiles slightly and sits down, patting the dirt ground next to him. "Start talking, I'm here to help."

I smile and sit next to him, sitting cross legged. "... Well... It happened. Sally hates me. With all of her little black demon heart." I sigh, and look at my ginger haired brother.

"I do agree that her being angry at someone, especially you, for this long... It's unnatural." Spencer admits. I roll a small pebble around with the tip of my finger and frown. "... And she has a good reason to be mad." I mutter. Spencer looks at me confused and surprised.

"I could have saved Sue. I could have found a way to keep Freddy alive- at least until this whole thing was over." I start. "But... I didn't. Sue refused to let me heal him, and Freddy already knew he would die. It was bound to happen."

I look at the nerdy Acachalla and sigh. "Do you know how it feels? To have the fate of the country, and possible the world... In your hands? To know there are people who died who could have been saved? To have a close sibling who hates you?" I ask, looking seriously at him for an answer.

Spencer thinks about what I said and then nods. "Y.. Yeah. I actually do. Maybe not as major or as specific but... I do."

He looks at me with sincerity. "The fate of this family depends on me leading us to safety. I almost got us killed by not checking the radar one time. If I hadn't woken up to the alarm I put on it- we wouldn't be here talking." He cleans his glasses as he talks. Mama made him new and cooler glasses...

"And sure, people who died before their time... It's tragic but honestly, Billy... It's life. Some people don't get the joy of freedom and a long life. And these people.. Well, there's still hope for them." He continues, putting his glasses back on.

"And someone who hates me? How about this entire family about a year or two ago?" He raises a brow at me. "Before this virus broke out, I was only used when I was needed. Any other time, Papa was barely treating me like a son. He looked down upon me because I was a disgraceful nerd in the Acachalla line. Mama was still kind, sure... But she paid more attention to her 2-3 little angels who actually had decent living quarters. I'm pretty sure you were the only one who cared for me- truly. And I think that's still the case."

I glance down at the ground, realizing what he said was true. I guess I wasn't the only one going through this.

"... I'm sorry, Spence..." I mumble. "I shouldn't have been so selfish."

Spencer chuckles. "I can't blame you. We're both evenly fudged in our lives." He ruffles my hair as he stands up. I smile and stand up with him. "You're pretty cool, Spence. I don't see why we don't talk like this more often." I reply, leaning on him using my elbow on his head. He smiles at me. "We should, truly, talk more often." He replies as we walk back to camp.

I stop and grab him by the shoulders. "I made my decision. When this is all over, you are moving into my room with me." I snap. Spencer blinks, confused. "Wait- what? No! I couldn't-"

"No questions." I smirk. "Besides, my room is pretty... Messy. And could use your OCD." I poke his nose and let him go. Spencer rubs his arm and looks at me, still shocked. "You'd... You'd really do that? For me?" He asks, I could tell he would be crying of joy if we all hadn't lost our tears crying last week.

"Of course! You're my brother. My only blood brother. And you deserve to be treated like one." I smile softly. Spencer rubs the side of his eye and smiles. "... Thanks Billy... You're... You're amazing."

"Anytime." I smile back and drag him into camp. "Cmon- dinner's on!" I chirp. Spencer chuckles. "Oh boy. Ham and beans again." He says sarcastically.

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