Chapter 1; 2 Years Later

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(I know. Huge time gap.. But it had to happen.)

Billy's POV

I'm awoken by the smell of burning rotten flesh, smoke, and blood. You get used to the gut wrenching smells and sights after a few months.

Sigh. But what I wouldn't give to wake up and smell Mama Gertrude making waffles... Hearing Sally and Sue giggling on about dolls and the latest trends... Not to mention Spencer's ridiculous demands of gaming systems and Papa's usual grumbling about the TV satellite not working.

Then Mama would have to call Johnny Toast- who was pretty good at fixing our satellite. Papa would pass out on the couch and I would be trying to get away from Maddie.

Life was... Tolerable, so say the least. But it was perfect to me.

"Billy, Hun." I hear Mama Gertrude chirp softly. I smile. Despite the complete chaos- she was still real nice to us. I would've thought she'd go crazy assertive on us but... That just shows how much she cares.

"Comin' Mama!" I call out as I throw on my medical outfut- the only safe and decent clothing I had. I unzip the tent and poke my head out, seeing everyone else sitting around the fire, eating bacon.

There are a lot of wild pigs roaming nowadays... So we make the best of what we have.

I sit next to Sally, who was eating the bacon without a complaint. A year ago she wouldn't even touch the bacon... She would only eat waffles.

But now, she tolerates them. Not even flinching at the odd flavour that kept infecting her mouth.

Bacon. Not waffles.


I look at my family as I chew on a strip of bacon. We had changed a lot since the incident. We weren't the tolerable and carefree Acachallas anymore.

We were fighters. Fighters who struggled to survive in the depths of this hell.

Papa was automatically nominated as Leader of the group from day one. He had the hunting instincts, the... Well, that's really all he had. But his wits also got us out of tight squeezes.

He now bore scars that never had been there before. One on the top right of his head, one on his shoulder, and one on his arm. And that was simply from keeping Sally from hurting anyone.

Sally changed a lot too. Instead of her usual small ponytail on the top of her head with the purple headband- she now had much longer brown hair which was held back in a long ponytail. Her headband was tied to her wrist, which covered a nasty scar that she hates seeing.

Sally had become more agile, and extremely violent. If she was pushed the wrong way, she would instantly become the waffle demon. And there was no holding back the waffle demon- until her rage was drained.

Then there was Mama Gertrude. She kept her ginger hair in a bun still, which always seemed quite messy. She had a cool eye-piece, which helped her aim better at targets.

She had a few scrapes and bruises- but nothing I couldn't fix.

Maddie hadn't really changed. She was still clingy- but she's also a decent fighter. She's super fast and can be really mean if she needs to be. Her ginger hair was kept in a ponytail still- and she lost her glasses a while ago.

Somehow her eyes adapted and she's able to see clearly without them. Mama says it's probably our bodies getting used to the danger and chemicals... I think that she made Maddie contacts.

Spencer has changed quite a bit. Although still quite an absolute nerd, he was a bit.. Buffer. He used his laptop to navigate us safely around- without bumping into any infectious camps.

He still wore his glasses, but he had a permanent scar on his cheek from a bad knife incident within the first year of us releasing the virus.

Then there was Sue... He really couldn't do anything to help. He had no training whatsoever. He couldn't fight, heal, hunt... He was just there to keep Sally positive, really.

Though it's a bit harsh for me to say... I don't see why we protect him so much. We put ourselves at risk for Sue- because he can't defend himself.

I sigh softly and chew on my bacon some more. How much longer would the poor guy last?...

Not long, I reckon.

I've changed quite a bit as well. I was more assertive and independent. I was the medic- so I was in charge of saving the family from possible death.

I have a scar on my left eyebrow, which still hurts when I touch it. Thanks to Maddie, I'm able to still see.

But... Only out of one eye.

Yeah. I'm probably beat up the most.

The infected go for the medics- their conscious still begging for a cure.

I've been trying for 2 whole years to find a cure. And all the infected people chasing me for an answer...

It was scary.

The human population depended on me finding the cure.

I was the infected's last hope.

"Billy." Spencer whispers, his lisp still quite strong. I look at him and he gestures towards Freddy. "He doesn't look too well..."

"Yeah. Fweddy's been rewwy sad
Latewy..." Sally mumbles, worried painted on her expression as she looked at the huge dinosaur, who was curled up in a ball, whimpering in soft roars.

"I'm sure she's fine, Sally." Maddie reassures, hugging my little sister. I smile slightly and turn my gaze to Papa. He's looking at Freddy too- even he's worried for the giant lizard.

"We should get a move on... My laptop is detecting some infected approaching.." Spencer looks to Mama and Papa, who nod to each other.

"Good idea, Spencer. Alright kids, let's get a move on." Mama claps her hands. We all get up and go to our tents and pack--

For another long trip to our possible doom.

Hope you're enjoying the story!

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