Chapter 6; A Cure

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I stretch and sigh, just finished having a good meal. Night was closing in, and the fire was our only source of light. I look next to me and see Maddie's head leaning on my shoulder, fast asleep.

I sigh. She's so innocent. She doesn't deserve to live in a hell of a time like this.

Nobody deserves it.

I gently run my fingers through her long ginger hair. Since this whole thing started, she's become more and more... Lovely.

Not that she wasn't lovely before- but she isn't as clingy anymore. She's matured- like I have. But still shows her affection for me. I've been thinking that maybe... When this whole thing was over... I would finally sign her shirt. As celebration of survival.

But I realized I'd have to find a cure- and quick. Before anybody else could be stripped from our family. We lost 2 lives. I don't want to lose another.

I wouldn't be able to handle it emotionally.

"Spencer?" I whisper to the ginger nerd. He looks at me curiously, as he's petting a sleeping Sally's hair next to him.

"Could you get me my notebook? The one with the chemistry stickers on the front?" I ask quietly, not wanting to wake Maddie. Spencer nods and smiles, seeing Maddie leaning on me and me just... Not resisting.

Her comfort is the only thing I have, honestly.

Spencer quickly walks into my tent, and comes out minutes later with my notebook and my favourite waffle pen. He hands the stuff to me and goes back to Sally, picking her up. "You better get some rest soon, Billy." Spence whispers and goes to put Sally in her tent.

"Yeah yeah, sure." I mutter, as I'm already in a trance of flipping through my notes. "Don't forget the radar."

Spencer nods. "Don't worry, dork. I got it." He teases and slips into his own tent. Mama and Papa were already in their tent, sleeping quite soundly.

I look down at my notes again and review. What had I missed? I had the formula- I just couldn't find the correct measurements of each ingredient.

I work through the night, ignoring the fact that I would be tired as heck in the morning. But I also didn't wanna wake Maddie.

Maddie... She's the reason I keep fighting.

My eyes trace over the pages and I fill in each blank. I start piecing the puzzle together- using Maddie as my inspiration.

"... I got it." I mutter, shocked. "I... I actually got it!" I grin widely- noticing the sun just peaking over the horizon. It was morning- but I didn't care. I had a cure to conjure up!

Maddie's eyes flutter open as she slowly wakes. It's only then that I realize her head was rested on my lap. I smile at the waking beauty- and she blushes. "B-Billy!" She squeaks, sitting up instantly. "S-Sorry! I didn't mean to-- m-make you uncomfortable!" She blushes crimson. I chuckle slightly. "You're adorable when you're embarrassed." I poke her nose and rush into my tent, leaving a blushing and confused Maddie.


I pick up the test tube, which held the anti-virus, and look at it. It was a greenish blue colour, and was bubbling. I taste tested it and it... Surprisingly tasted like oranges.

I carefully clip the tube to my belt and leap out of my tent. "Guys!" I yelp, happily. Spencer, Mama, Papa, Maddie, and Sally all rush over- curious and slightly worried.

"I think I have the cure!" I squeal. "Papa- can you and Sally go find me an infected patient to test this on?" I ask, puppy dog pleading the best I can with one eye. Papa smile slightly and ruffles my hair. "That's my son. Saving the country." He chuckles and grabs Sally. "Let's go, Waffle girl."

As the two walk off, I blink, shocked. "Waffle girl..? He hasn't called Sally that in ages..." Mama mutters, surprised.

"I guess Papa changed more then I thought." I look to Spencer, who laughs at my statement. "Or he's just glad this whole thing will be over soon!"

I smile and nod. "Now, I need to make more of the cure so... Mama? Spencer? Protect Maddie for me?" I request, hugging Maddie Friend.

"Sure thing, Hun!" Mama chirps. Maddie frowns and grabs my arm gently. "But... Can't I help?" She asks softly.

I shake my head. "I need to focus... Besides, you'll be safer. Remember, Papa's bringing in a live infected." I explain, and smile. "Be careful."

Maddie nods slowly and is led from my tent by Spence and Mama Gertrude.

An hour of working later and Papa finally brings me the infected patient. It was restrained and injured, so it wouldn't hurt anyone. I pour the cure into a needle and carefully inject the serum.

I wait. 5 minutes pass, and it begins. The rotting flesh heals itself, returning the healthy glow to the skin. The pupils returns to a normal size and colour- rather than being red and very very small.

Claws return to normal nails, fangs return to teeth, and sanity is returned altogether. A normal person, clothed of course.

"Hello?" I chirp softly. The boy looks up at me and blinks. "... Where.. Where am I?"

My heart skips a beat. I finished the cure! Now I could save the country!

If I can just get the cure to become a gas- and have it pollute the air... Infected from all over would be healed.

I quickly inject the boy with a dose of sleeping medication before rushing outside happily. "I did it! It works!" I yelp, but instantly my heart drops to my stomach.

"M-Mama...?! What happened?!" I shriek, seeing the horror of what I had hoped never to see. My heart shattered, tears stream down my cheeks before I get an answer.

"I... I'm sorry... It couldn't be helped..." Mama Gertrude replies softly. I slowly approach and stare at the injured and curled up body in front of me. The person I had made a promise to not so long ago... And hoped to never have it torn.

I was too late.

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