The Final Chapter

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1 year after the apocalypse ended, and the kiss with Maddie... I was there. At the alter, with my bride-to-be dressed in a beautiful white wedding dress. Her ginger hair in a bun, with curled strands hanging off it, looking amazing under the wedding veil.

Maddie was close to tears. Just as this was the best day of my life, it was the best day of her's as well. Papa was acting as the priest, Mama was Maddie's bride's maid, and Sally was the flower girl. We found a way to revert her back to her old waffle loving self again within the first month of the apocalypse ending. So she wasn't the Waffle Demon anymore.

"Do you, Billy Acachalla, take Maddie to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, 'till death do you part?" Papa asks, looking at me with a proud smile. "I do." I grin and reply.

"And do you, Maddie Friend, take Billy to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, 'till death do you part?" Papa asks, turning to Maddie. She smiles as she looks at me and nods. "I-I do."

"Then I now pronounce you- Husband and Wife!" Papa declares proudly as he steps back. I pull Maddie close to me and kiss my bride.

With Maddie now in my life... I felt complete.

Life, truly is perfect.

--- End ---

... Or is it?

A small boy with messy ginger hair closes the book, looking over it carefully. It was dusty, and torn up from being used over the years. The front cover read 'Billy's Journal'.

"Spencer, what are you doing over there?" The voice of a kind ginger asks, slowly walking over to see her son. The boy known as Spencer looks up at his mother and holds the large book up. "Mama, what's this?" He asks, as his mother takes the book and looks it over. A warm smile appears on her face.

"This is Daddy's old journal he wrote when he was young." She replies, gently stroking the boy's hair.

"He saved you from zombies?" Spencer grins widely. The mother smiles and nods. "Yes, he-"

"Maddie!" A voice calls out. The father walks up to them, holding a young girl with beautiful brown hair. "Suzy escaped her playpen again..." He chuckles, placing his daughter down.

"What you got there?" He asks, taking the book from his beautiful wife, Maddie. "Spencer found your old journal!" Maddie chirps, smiling softly.

"Daddy! Daddy! Can you read it to us? Pleeeease?" Suzy pleas, tugging on Billy's arm. Billy chuckles and sits down next to Maddie. "Alright, Alright. Settle down.." The father smiles. "Where should we start?"

"Ooh! How about the part where you saved Mama from those gross zombies?!" Spencer grins, pretending to fight Suzy. Suzy pouts. "No way! Start with when you two got married!" Suzy argues.

"Ew! No way!" Spencer gags. "Maybe when Uncle Sue was attacked!"

"Calm down, children." Maddie giggles and takes the journal. "How about we start from the very beginning? Suzy hasn't heard the full story."

"Okay!" Both twins chirp in sync. Billy chuckles and clears his throat.

"Let's begin; 'I awoke to the smell of burning rotten flesh..."

The end

I hope you all enjoyed the story! I loved writing it, despite crying whenever I killed off somebody. 😭

Leave your thoughts and comments below! Thanks for reading! ❤️

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