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Tae had an early rise much to his disappointment. He really wished to sleep in, after the previous long day and night, but mans gotta eat.

He got an impromptu call to cover for a photographer at a celebrity sign-in event, and the pay was more than generous. So he sacrificed his sleep for money. Jimin will throw up

And that's why he snuck out of his building without telling him. Because he would probably say, how much is the pay Tae? I will double it, you should rest. This thought made him smile.

"Yoooo! Who got you smiling like that?"

He turned his head towards the voice of Lia walking towards him and pulling him in for a crushing hug.

"How are you everywhere?" He barked

"I could say the same about you. Never knew you knew IU" Lia released the boy, playing with his hair that was sticking everywhere

"Oh I don't. Not really, I got called to cover a sick photographer and the money is good" he said slapping her hands off.

"Well money is very good " Lisa smiled broadly, hands going back to the hair

Taehyung grabbed her hands," why are you like this?" They we're both laughing now. "Are you here to work?" He asked

"Nope, I was a model in one of her videos, I'm here to support " Lia said swaying their held hands, she was just itching to ruffle that mane and get the other to fight her.

"That's cool, what's the name? I have to check it out, maybe check out some of her songs too

Lia pulled off her hands, attempting to run away. "Nope!Nope I can recommend her songs but I ain't showing you the video "

"Oh common! Are you shy?" Tae teased

"I'm a little shy!" Lia mocked in the other's voice and the pair laughed loudly at the inside joke.

They walked into the inner rooms where Taehyung left his bag, he had finished his part of the gig and the screams from the fans was giving him a slight headache. He kept wondering how the recipient of the screams felt.

They walked into the room with Lia practically running to the mini snack bar, while Tae packed up his equipments. They simultaneously turned towards a loud voice screaming Lia excitedly by the door.

Lia returned the energy, running to jump on the attractive girl. "Whoa is this your boyfriend?" She asked, motioning towards Tae

"No no no no no" Tae chuckled shaking his head back and forth.

"Really? Five Nos Taehyung? " Lisa said, eyeing him like a predator closing in on a prey

"It just means I have a shot" the attractive girl whispered into Lisa's ears loud enough for Tae to hear, she introduced herself smiling broadly before saying her goodbyes.

"Well ? Do you want to take the shot? Lia asked in a way that made the other laugh

"Sorry I reacted that way Lia, but I have a date and I guess I'm more excited than I thought"

Lia changed her expression from an exaggerated frown to a broad smile "with whom? How come I'm just finding this out? I thought I was your best friend?"

"Woah relax okay!" Taehyung cut off her mini tantrum "I just found out myself, and Jimin is my best friend "

"Isn't Jimin your soulmate?" She responded with a mocking smile, "he will flare up at this demotion, and with whom???" She insisted

Taehyung laughed seeing the other's excitement, "with John Doe"

"Woah you found him?" She practically screamed

"He found me actually "

And Lia squealed loudly, "wait, when did this happen? I was with you before you closed up for the night, are you keeping things from me?" She walked threateningly towards the other, making him laugh again

"It all happened after you left " Tae said, thinking back to the previous day. Just a few hours ago, yet it felt like days ago. "A lot happened after you left me actually "

"Why didn't you call me? What's his name? What is the color of his eyes? Lia was bouncing on her feet from excitement, it was adorable.

"Everything happened too fast. Jeon but I'm sticking to John Doe. Dark Brown, almost black." Tae ended

Lia made a swooning motion with her body,then stopped suddenly," you met him just last night and you are already going on a date?" She asked

And the other paused too, blank faced "Yeah!" He replied with a small smirk.

"You dog!" Lia exclaimed, "At least your sex life is alive",

"Jk not treating you well? Tae asked suddenly becoming serious

"Oh he is, he is the sweetest in fact. Nice, kind, romantic, gifts and all"

"Buuuttttt????" Taehyung singsonged

"Buuttt he isn't taking it forward, I keep feeling like there's something holding him back"

"Have you tried talking to him? It could be all in your head" Taehyung suggested

Lia sighed , "I can barely get a hold of him these days "

"Well from the very little you've told me, he sounds like a nice guy. You also said his job is demanding, so it's not like he is going around chasing someone else. But if you want fun and interesting - Jimin is always available " Taehyung ended with a wink

Causing Lia to make a puking expression, and hitting Taehyung on his shoulder. "I would rather date a cheat than a dog"

"Hey! That's my soulmate, watch your tongue "

"Well birds of the same feathers-"

"Okay that's just rude! We look nothing a like" Tae barked, and the pair broke into a fit of laughter, walking out of the building, hands linked.

"I'm sorry I'm keeping things from you Tae, but his life is kinda in the public's eye and I just want to be sure where we stand in the relationship before I make it public in anyway " Lia said out of nowhere

Taehyung understanding what the friend was talking about just gave her a nod and a smile. " I don't mind at all, take your time. But don't lie to yourself, you're definitely keeping him from me until I get into a relationship because you are scared he will fall in love with me and break your tiny little heart "

And they were laughing again " how did you read my mind? That's most absolutely the reason Tae" Lia dragged her friend towards a cafe to talk some more, with a grateful heart that she had someone like Tae in her life.


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