Chapter 5

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"Mom, do I really have to change everything in my room I loved it normal." I said. " Well sweetie we have to make it princess like and girly and we told you that you can't complain." my mother said. "Fine." Well my mom changed my wall color to light pink (so not my color) and changed my bed to light pink put my name all over my room (literally!). She also made my drawers all white and had carpet installed that is white ( I hate carpet and I hate my drawers white, I mean why not brown).

" Elizabeth, wake up." my mother said. " Ok" I said. Next thing I know my mother's face is in my face. " Sweetie come on get dressed, and I already picked out a outfit." she said. The next thing I know is that I look on my bed and I see a pretty pink dress with a tiara and shoes on the floor. " So I have to wear that?" I said. " Yes Elizabeth you need to show your royalty." she said. " Fine." You know I really hope this isn't bad or at least as bad I think. I mean I have to get fitted for dresses and high heels so I might not get to sleep till' 12:00 A.M.

"Oh! Elizabeth you look so beautiful" my mother said after I came out of my bathroom with a new dress on. I looked into the mirror and I didn't even recognize myself.

" Ok last dress and shoes sweetie." she said " Are you ready?" I said "Yes." she said " I like this one the best." I said " Wow! You look amazing sweetheart." she said " Thanks." I said " Let's try on these last shoes and buy these other dresses." she said "Ok." they were really pretty and they fit. I just wish that I could actually walk in high heels. Don't get me wrong though I don't like wearing them still. These were special though.

I'm pretty sure I found the guy I love. Ok so I know it sounds exaggerated, but I was walking in high heels ( or trying to) and I sort of fell and he caught me. The problem is that I don't even know who he is. All I know is his name is Josh.

Anyways I was almost right we got home at 10:00. "No." my mom said. "You will not date some poor mall working guy." she said " I'm allowed to. It said in the deal that I could date anyone. "Fine." she said. Yeah! I can't wait for our first date even though we haven't even asked each other out yet. I will though once I'm ready (which might be a while).

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