Chapter 8

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I'm so tired. My mom woke me up at 5:30 a.m. for extra princess lessons and it went on till 7:00 a.m. Now I'm finally in my room sleeping. This feels really nice. "Ahh!" I screamed when my mom spilt cold water on me. "What did you do that for?" I said. " Get dressed and take a shower Elizabeth we have to get some stuff before ballet." my mom said.

When I came out of the shower my mom had everything out for me to wear. Ugh! Being a princess really stinks.

"Come out." my mother said as I tried on the 5th outfit. "That's perfect." she said. Yeah as in perfect meaning not me. Seriously! I'm wearing an all pink outfit, pink cover on top of a pink top, pink leggings, and a black skirt. Ugh! Then now we have to get ballet shoes and bag. We went to get shoes and a bag when I saw him again. Yes, Josh! I was so nervous I could barely say anything. Thankfully I was in my ballet outfit because he doesn't know I'm a princess, but he will find that out tomorrow.

"Hey, nice to run into you again." Josh said. "Hey! I uh, uh-" I said (sort of). " I guess I'll see you tomorrow." he said. " Yeah uh bye." I said "See you tomorrow, bye." he said as I kind of ran off. "Elizabeth! What are you doing he was talking to you." she said. "I told you I'm not good with that stuff. I get to nervous." I said. "Yeah we'll have to work on that at home after dance lessons." she said. "Right." I said. After that mess we got shoes and a bag that were also pink which isn't me but I wasn't really paying attention because I was to busy worrying about Josh.

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