Chapter 9

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Ballet was terrible! And don't think I'm over exaggerating I'm not. I mean I'm terrible at ballet I'm a total klutz. I also have to take ballet every day after school.

"Do I have to do this, this is awkward." I said. "Yes, you need to practice before tomorrow." she said. "Ok, but do I have to do this with James." I said. "Yes. Now, pretend James is Josh and you are you, well princess you." she said. "Can't I just be me?" I said. "No, you need to be your best." she said.

After that was over I finally got to go to sleep, but barely I was so worried what was going to happen on this date. I actually woke up normally today because I had nothing to do except dread about what was going to happen.

After I ate lunch and dinner the makeup artist and hairstylist came to get me ready for my date. I had to wait in my gown and tiara and everything else for what seemed like forever.

"Are you nervous Elizabeth?" James said. "You know I am." I said. "Why?" he said. "Many reasons, I get so nervous around him and I don't know what to say, mom wants me to be the perfect princess, and I don't know how to do that and-" I said as I started to cry as I tilted on my brothers shoulder. "Hey, Eli don't worry just be you, your perfect he'll love you and if he doesn't it's his fault." he said as he cleaned my tears as I started to laugh because he only called me Eli when we were kids. "Your right I can do it." I said "Hey he's here." my mother said as I took a breath and headed down stairs. When I saw Josh he was all dressed up and his face looked shocked.

"Hey, you look beautiful." Josh said. "Thanks you look a little worried about something are you ok?" I said. " I'm fine I just didn't know you were a princess." he said. "Don't worry I'm not to much of a princess." I said " I don't think we formally met I'm Josh." he said. "I'm Elizabeth. Oh! This is my mother Veronica, father Roland, and brother James." I said. "Nice to meet you." he said. "You to." my mother said. "We'll just be going." my father said why'll motioning everybody out of the room. "Would you like to sit down." I said. "Sure. So tell me about yourself." he said "What do you want to know besides the obvious." I said. "Well what did you mean when you said you weren't much of a princess." he said. "I don't really like being a princess." I said " Well that's cool, so do you want to go out and eat." he said. " Sure." I said.

My date went great I just wish that I could do that everyday. I mean that it felt normal I wasn't a princess or anything else I was normal and me.

Anyways back to the real world. My life stinks. Now I can't go to regular school and my parents won't go back on their part of the deal, so I still have to do everything like a perfect princess which I'm not and when Josh is here and my parents are around I have to act like the perfect princes! Oh and also tomorrow I also go on a date with Josh.

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