Chapter 11

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"James, please, please help me." I said "Elizabeth, I'm your older brother I can't tell you this stuff I mean I don't go through all these girl things."James said. "Look, but you know what guys are like." I said. "Ok look, I dealt through this before ok you're just going to have to except that you're a princess and if he can't except that then he's-" he said " That's not the problem he likes me just not princess me because it's not me." I said "Look talk to mom she'll understand." he said "She never listens to me." I said "Just try." he said "Ok." I said

"Mom, please listen to me." I said. "Ok, this seems really important to you so I'll listen to you." my mom said. "Mom I, I mean would it be possible if the deal could be canceled I know it wasn't in it but please. I said. "Why? You are making such a good princess." she said. "It's just that you know I don't even like being a princess and last night I was acting like a princess and he didn't like it." I said "Well, I could but will you still try to be the perfect princess?" she said. "Ok, so the deal is off?" I said. "Yes the deal is off." she said. Yeah! The deal is finally off and I don't even really have to be the perfect princess and I can just be me with Josh and everything is fixed. Except when I left the room it felt weird I mean I think I actually liked being a princess.

Maybe I will try to embrace the princess side of me a little more. I mean I kind of need to beat James at being royalty that sounds fun. I'm still not the perfect princess yet maybe you'd even say I'm a not so perfect princess. Hey I like that Not So Perfect Princess.

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