Chapter 6

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"Ugh!" I said. My mom made me do a hole fashion show for my dad and my big brother. Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you about my brother. It would seem foolish of me to do that, but I don't like telling about him. He's just like the perfect prince. I'm also his little sister so I have to live up to all his perfectness. His name is James by the way.

After the little fashion show I was alone or at least I thought so. "What's wrong Elizabeth?" James said. "I don't want to talk about it James." I said. "Come on, you used to tell me everything when you were younger." he said. " 1st I'm not who I was when I was younger and 2nd that was before I realized you were the perfect prince I had to live up to." I said. "I'm not that perfect." he said. " Yes, you are. And this princess stuff is horrible it's not me." I said." You'll get used to it." he said. "Yeah, that's never gonna happen." I said "Just try." he said. "But I-" I said "For me." he said. "Ok,for you." I said "Thanks, bye." he said as he was about to leave my room. "Bye." I said.

Ok that might have not looked as what I said but he still is my brother and we have a certain relationship. Seriously though, he is perfect not kidding you.

Man today I still have to do more stuff. I have to do hair and make up. "Ding!" Well that should be the hairstylist now. So the hair stuffs going to be like 4 hours, and the make up stuff will take an hour, so 5 hours of my day is basically waisted.

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