Chapter 7

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"Ow, ow, ow, ow,ow! You know that hurts?" I said as the hairstylist pulled my hair into a French braid and stuck bobby pins into my head. This is about the 5th hairstyle we've tried. " Elizabeth be nice." my mom said. " But this hurts." I said. "We're almost done he's going to straighten your hair and do a few more." she said. "Straighten! Mom I object." I said. "Sweetie we're not in court." she said. " I never said I wanted to staighten my hair." I said. "It's not going to be permanent we're just going to try it." she said. "Fine." I said.

My head hurts from all those hairstyles, but we (as in my mom) decided on a straightened French braid. Well at least I have an hour till makeup. " Elizabeth come down to eat. " says my brother. "Coming." I said when I got down everyone was ready and was staring at me. My mother was more like glancing at me and was really mad. I'm really not like a princess especially if you see me eat. My brother on the other hand eats so gracefully like royalty. We're supposed to sit up straight, elbows off the table, and napkin on lap. Now me on the other hand is more like shrugged shoulders, elbows on the table, and no napkin. While he is acting all perfect like usual my mother is glancing at me and I know that means I'm in pretty big trouble.

" Elizabeth, you are supposed to act like a princess." my mother said. " I don't know how to do that and how is this supposed to even help me?" I said. " To be a princess and it will help you on your date speaking of that I arranged for Josh to be here in 2 days to meet you and whatever." she said. " What mother, I... I don't know how to and what to." I said. " Don't worry we have tomorrow. Of course though after dance class." she said. "Ok."

After all that drama the makeup artist came and since I didn't even know what makeup looks best  on me my mom picked it. I didn't even know what she picked.

Ugh! Tomorrow I have to go to extra princess lessons. I also have to go to dance lessons. I mean I wouldn't mind going to hip hop or something like that, but I have to go to ballet. Oh! I also have to go shopping before ballet and get ballet stuff.

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