Thomas Plan

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|Im gonna change the way I write stories cause I noticed it's all cramped up 💀|

It's been a couple of days since Thomas is working here, me and him have been getting a bit more close but his mom always calls him.
I guess he really is a mommas boy, muscle man always teases him about it but I find it kind of cute.
Thomas kind of sinks into the back round, he must feel lonely so I'm gonna try and hang out with him as much as I can. I always get paired up to work with him I was about to talk to him when his phone rang.
I just pretended like I wasn't even looking at him and continued my job.
"Yeah mom? Oh yeah works been good it's been" I couldn't hear the rest because he started walking away. I finished my job and went up to my room.
I was playing left4dead2 when Thomas knocked at my door and I paused to answer. "Yeah Thomas ?"
"I just heard benson and skips talking about me, I'm gonna get fired! I don't know what to do y/n I can only talk to you." Thomas said with dirty clothes in his hands ,I was surprised, I don't really want to see him go but I really don't know what to do. "Um.. you can try doing a lot of work ? Or doing favors for benson?"
He looked like he was thinking when benson was talking something about the statue being lost again on our walkie talkies. Thomas face light up , he almost had a light bulb on top of his head.
"I know what to do"
We were at the stolen statue spot with the whole park, Pops frowned " what will we do now benson?"
Benson sighed " I say we go back there again as aliens and retrieve the statue"
"I have a pla-"
"Thomas stop trying to ruin our plan bro" muscle man said in an annoyed tone.
"But guys I have a -"
Mordecai turned to look at Thomas "Dude be quiet we're trying to hear bensons plan" Thomas just stayed quiet, damn harsh.
I patted Thomas back as to say sorry in a way, he just nodded at me.
It was night and benson had us wear alien suits but he didn't include Thomas in the plan.
As much as I love the park I didn't want to wear aliens suits at night and try to scare the other park so I made up an excuse.
Benson and the park got into a golf cart and started heading to the rival park, Thomas got close to the window to look at them, he looked around and all of a sudden got on the roof out the window.
I went to look at what Thomas was doing and he had binoculars, I just stood at the window.
I wasn't a big fan of heights.
I hear him gasp a little and he fired a sort of firework gun? I don't know.
He got back down on the window as I backed up.
"What was all that about Thomas?"
He just smirked at me "I have a plan to keep my job"
The park came back into benson office with tomato's on their suits, I couldn't help but laugh a little, im so glad I made up an excuse. Benson sat on his desk, " well looks like that didn't work"
"Guys I have a plan okay?and I think I can pull it off" Thomas tried speaking up , Muscle man groaned in annoyance " you're too much of a mommas boy to pull this off Thomas" Thomas walked up to muscle man and did some sort of fighting move having his legs around muscle man's head and his arm stretched out.
"Still think I'm a mommas Boy?"
Muscle man cried like a baby "Uncle Uncle!!"
I was surprised, Thomas is kind of a, yknow, I didn't expect him to know moves or whatever that was.
I praised him and he just rubbed the back of his head , "Alright Thomas, what's the plan?" Thomas started explaining his plan to get the statue back, it seemed so complicated, he really had the plan all worked out in his head.
It was a really good plan too. It was his solo plan because he's not well recognized, he said he needed help incase something happens to him he asked me to be part of the plan.
I agreed but I was nervous, I know I'm not well known to the rival park but what if I fail?? I'm the one who's gonna get fired !
Thomas said we were gonna start the plan tomorrow so I should get some work clothes so I can get the job with him.
It's the morning and I put on a skirt with a top that looks 'office' | I forgot the word| but I fixed it up so it looks cute, i did my hair and make up as I went down stairs to meet up with Thomas .
"Wow you look good y/n"
I blushed a bit " Thank you Thomas , is it good enough for the plan??"
He nodded and I could see a slight smile on his face "it's perfect for the plan"
He had copies of resumes and he handed me one.
"This ones yours, make sure you have it on the job interview okay?" I nodded
He put on a suit that was for a parachute , oh god are we gonna be in the air? Oh right, he mentioned that in his plan.
He handed me mine and I put it on as he helped me zip it up. "You're new name is gonna be Isabella , and I'm going to be Nicholas."
I nodded "right"
We started getting the plan in place and I started to panic a little in my mind, im not good at job interviews what will I do? What if I mess up oh god.
It's like Thomas read my thoughts because he had a hand on my shoulder.
" I know you'll do fine, don't worry about it y/n" I smiled at him, he was so nice to me, if only the park could just get to know him they'd see he's a good person.
"Sup ladies, quit hitting on each other Im trying to eat cereal" muscle man said walking up to us, muscle man seemed kind of scared of Thomas after yesterday and he forced a smile. "Yo.. Thomas.. don't fail"
"I wont" Muscle man awkwardly walked past us to the living room. High 5 ghost was following him.

It was dark and we were on pops car high above the rivals park. I started to sweat a little.
"Y/n we're gonna jump in a bit, think you can do this?"
"Yeah yes yup! it can't be that scary right?" Thomas laughed a little
"If you need to, just hold my hand, I'll make sure nothing happens to you."I took this as a chance to hold his hand so I agreed.
He makes me feel like I'm in high school again falling for the hottest guy in school and doing anything to just talk to him.
We had to jump and I hold Thomas hand tightly, I think too tightly cause I heard a bit of a whimper. We pulled out parachutes and landed on the park.
"Get ready Y/n"

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