Who invited him?

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I was working when Benson had mentioned something about the party, so we all were working extra harder and Mordecai and rigby had to buy the decorations, Skips was in charge of the drinks and I, muscle Man, high five ghost and pops were in charge of putting tables outside and chairs incase there was not enough room to eat in.
Benson was in charge of the Pizzas.
We soon finished getting everything as we put them in place.
It was almost time for the party to start so we all got ready waiting for the company to arrive.
I put on (you can choose whatever clothes you want to put on)
I felt really confident in this as I smiled at myself in the mirror, I did my make up and my hair the way I like it.
I was happy when my mind drifted to Nikolai...it would've been so fun if he was here.
But this is so I can feel better, this party is so my worries can be gone for at least a day.
I went to my room and hugged my Nikolai look alike plushie when I heard the door bell ring. They must be here already

I went down stairs so I can be there when the people arrive as benson opened the door "Welcome!.. muscle man and Starla"
"Sup benson, cmon Starla let's go get some drinks baby"

"Ohh Mitch!"
I sat on the couch with Mordecai and Rigby.
I just stared at them playing video games.
"Sup y/n" Rigby said

"Hey Rigby and Mordecai"


I started conversations with them as more people knocked and arrived, soon the party got big and there was music playing.
Mordecai and Rigby turned off their games as Eileen and Cj arrived.
I got up to get a drink, I had no one to talk to. It felt really alone with out Nikolai.
I could talk to Benson but he was dancing with an unfamiliar girl.
I don't want to interrupt anything

I decided I want to have fun anyways, I don't want to sit down all day and be bored.
After all this was all my idea!
I went to where all the people were dancing and I joined in dancing by myself, I felt someone behind me dancing with me and I turned around seeing Emilio!
Who invited him??? What does he want?
"What the fu-"

"Wait don't leave"

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Look Y/n, I am really sorry okay? I visited the park without you knowing and I noticed this Thomas guy isn't here anymore"

"Yeah so?"

"He can't stop me or us from doing anything"

"...where are you going with this?"
I didn't want to talk to him at all, I was thinking about walking away but I want to know what he means.

"I was really Jealous of you and Thomas getting close, I hope you can realize how bad I really felt. And I didn't cheat on you at all, I just wanted to make you jealous too."


"Did Thomas leave you?"
I think he wanted to shoot his shot with me, but I'm not gonna leave Nikolai like that.

"He had to move to another state with his Mother"

"Long distance?"

I kept quiet, I was about to walk away when Emilio stopped me.

"He won't know, I know you still want me"
I laughed at him, he really thinks I want him? After the way he acts like a grown ass baby?please.
"Did my best friend reject you or what?"
"I- no we never dated"
How am I gonna believe that, he's the biggest liar I know.
I walked to my room and I almost locked it when Emilio pushed the door with all his strength.
I almost tripped and Emilio closed the door behind him.
"Just fucking accept my apology! Why do you have to be so bitchy about it??"

"Bitchy?! I'm being bitchy??"

"Yes! I fucking apologized so many times and you won't even be my friend!!"

"Why would I?? I love Nik..Thomas not you, and Thomas doesn't like you. So I won't like you"
I keep thinking of "Thomas" as Nikolai, it slipped out a little I hope Emilio doesn't catch on.
"Why do you love that Russian more than me?"
"Because he never treated me bad, he never got mad at me. And he's good in bed"
Emilio furrowed his eyebrows and he pushed me.
"You fucking whore"
I fell on my butt and I got back up.
"Really? You're so mad that I won't accept your apology that you're gonna push me??"
He didn't say anything, he looked really mad. Maybe I shouldn't push his buttons.

I wanted to say so much more to him but I had to keep it chill.

"Just fucking accept it, I don't even know why I'm even trying"

"...fine I accept your apology, now leave!"
Emilio left mumbling about something, I just know he's talking about me but I don't care.
I opened my window for breeze and I looked to my left seeing Nikolai.
I yelled and he laughed "Thanks for the entry Y/n"
"Nikolai!! Oh my god!! How long have you been there??"
I said panting from the fright he gave me
"Just now my love"
He hopped inside and I hugged him so fast.
"I love you so much Nikolai, I'm so glad you're here!"
He smiled "Being gone for a bit without you felt like torture, I had to come back."
I kissed him deeply, the fact that he came back even though he was found felt so good.
"What about the CIA??"

"It doesn't matter Y/n, I took care of it"
I hugged him not letting him go, I missed him so much. If this was a dream I want to hug him for as long as I can.
"Are you real Nikolai?"

"What? Haha yes I am. I can promise you I'm actually here"
I smiled at him.

Benson tried knocking on the door. "Uh y/n can I come in?"

"Uh yes yes!"
Nikolai sat still on my bed, can't wait to surprise Benson with Nikolai!
I unlocked the door and it opened
"Hey it's just I saw emi- Nikolai?? What are you doing here I- oh my god!"
Benson looked so shocked and I laughed.
Benson invited the park to come up and they all Instantly walked up to him and hugged him, greeting him.
We all talked here and they all asked about what happened.
He explained everything and I couldn't help but just stare at him the whole time.
Story- very interesting but his features were more interesting.
It started getting late and they all got tired and said their goodbyes as they all told the people the party ended.
Nikolai relaxed on my bed and sighed.
"This was very stressful y/n. But not that I'm with you I feel better"
I nodded "I can say the same Nikolai"
I remembered the plushie.
"Oh wait- look"
I showed him the plushie and he smiled
"I knew I missed a little someone"
He grabbed it and I layed down next to him hugging him.
He pulled the covers over us and kissed me deeply.
"I love you y/n"
"I love you more"
With Nikolai all my worries were away, I didn't care about anything else but him.

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