Hanging out with Thomas

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As always benson had us sitting on the house porch telling us our jobs, me and Thomas were in charge of making sure everything's in place and in order, also of safety hazards.
Thomas and I were in the golf cart driving around, I looked at Thomas and decided I should invite him to hang out.
"Hey Thomas I was wondering if you want to..do you want to come to my room later and hang out? youre totally welcome to come in whenever!"
"Actually y/n that seems like a nice idea, should I bring snacks?"
I nodded and giggled in my head, im so excited to hang out with him! We can finally get more closer and maybe then I might have a chance with him.
We finished our jobs soon enough and we headed up stairs.
We got a couple of stares from the park members in the house.. I wonder what they were thinking.
Thomas said he was going to go buy some snacks and told me to wait here.
I did as he told me to and I started picking out movies to watch.
-Thomas Pov-
I decided to walk to the store since it is pretty close. There were some agents that are after me hiding in the park, I made sure no one was around and i knocked them out hiding their bodies.
I soon arrived to the store when I got a call from mom.
Guess they need some updates.
"Dont act like we don't see you getting close to the girl.. don't think about changing your mind about the plans Nikolai"
"..yeah mom wait up, Im buying some chips right now and can't talk to you right now"
I put them on hold as I bought chips, i hid somewhere in the park to speak to them.
I let my accent loose, i don't find it necessary to use my American accent around them.
"Don't worry about it, it's just so I can get her trust. She's complicated"
"Alright Nikolai, but if you do change your mind I won't hesitate to pay you a visit"
I hung up on them, after all it is true i am doing this to get y/n's trust...right?
-end of pov-
I finally picked a movie when I heard Thomas open the door, he took a bit so I decided to change into cozy clothes.
"I'm back y/n, i got us some hot Cheetos and takis"
My eyes lit up at the sight "Wow! To be honest I thought you were gonna get plain old Doritos"
He laughed "is that how you see me as y/n? as plain old Doritos?" He said in a joking matter.
But i still wanted to reassure him I don't really think of him like that.
" not at all Thomas ! More like low calorie potato chips" I laughed ..okay, i had to say it it was funny. He laughed and nudged my shoulder "haha, very funny y/n" he said In sarcastic tone.
Thomas was really fun to hang out with, im glad I finally had the courage to hang out with him.
I always see in the romantic books and movies that they both get drunk and both confess and it leads to stuff..i kinda want that to happen so I decided to ask Thomas if he wanted a beer.
"Uhh I haven't really tried beer before but you can get some for yourself"
I wasn't gonna let my little plan fail so I decided to get some beers from the store, Im not a beer expert so I decided to get what my dad always buys, Corona.
I got back to the room and I played the movie, i opened a beer and took a sip.
I almost spit my drink out, beer isn't that good it took me out of surprise.
I drank one cup and i already felt a little drunk, not too much but to the point where I don't even think about what I'm saying.
Me and thomas we're laying on a couch I had in my room facing the tv, i started to get cold so without thinking I got closer to Thomas and lay my head on him.
Thomas looked down at me a little surprised. "Drunk already y/n?"
"Pffff no you're just- you're like imagining things" "haha okay"
He grabbed a chip bag and started eating the takis, I grabbed a few and stuffed them in my beer can. At the moment I was curious about the taste, my beer needed some spice into it.
"What the- y/n i don't think you're supposed to put takis there"
"What if it was normalized huh? Imagine that right now"
Thomas raised his eyebrow and chuckled a bit "what?"
I took a sip and spit it out.
"Bruh who put that in there why does it taste so bad??"
Thomas just rolled his eyes in a playful way.
The movie was starting to end and i was sobered up. I don't remember half of the movie but it seemed good.
I wonder if anything cliche happened while I was drunk.. sort of drunk.
I asked Thomas what happened when I was almost drunk and he said not much happened but just me being idiotic.
Psh whatever not like i wanted my plan to work out anyways.
All I said was oh and I looked up at him.. I couldn't help but stare at his lips and I didn't notice him staring at me back.
"Do I have something on my lips or what y/n?" He said with a smug smirk.
I got embarrassed and thought of an excuse. "Yeah you got uh some taki crumbs on your face..."
"Hm sure that's it" he smirked at me. I blushed, I felt so embarrassed but I also felt some tension at the moment..he was staring at me too he started to lean in and so did I..I can't believe this are we about to kiss??? We were so close until Thomas phone rang. His phone always rings at the worst time possible.
He cleared his throat and I backed up"You have to take that right?.." I said in disappointment but I smiled anyways. "Yeah, sorry y/n. I'll be quick"
Im sorry but his mom totally ruined the moment, a moment like this is a rare chance! And kissing now won't be the same when there's tension during it.
The movie ended and Thomas said he had to head back to his dorm, he said he had fun and I let him have his chips.
After he left i was laying on the bed thinking and i drifted to sleep, i hope he doesn't think I'm weird after this.

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