Is this goodbye?

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Nikolai and I have been dating for a while, everything has been peaceful (except for trouble created by Mordecai and Rigby)
Nikolai and I were relaxing when he had to go outside real quick, I nodded and he left. I went down stairs to get a cup of water when I looked outside and saw a bunch of people from the CIA attack Nikolai ( it was night time but the lights were on)
I dropped my cup as I ran outside radioing everyone that Nikolai is in trouble
-Thomas Pov-
I left the room after telling Y/n I was going outside, I was going to get rid of the CIA that might be looking for me but that's when I saw more than usual.
I started to panic but I didn't let it show, they could see I was scared and they'd take advantage of it.
One by one I took them out but that's when more and more appeared from the bushes
Not good.
They've probably caught on that I am actually Nikolai, a Russian spy
Even if i wasn't a spy anymore technically i worked for them so I still am one no matter what.

I know they wouldn't have heard me out..this only means one thing
I have to run away and keep hiding from my life

I don't want to leave Y/n, but it's for her own good. If they know I'm dating her they could use that as an advantage but that's when I heard her yelling from afar.
Fuck Y/n run you're gonna get yourself hurt!
"Y/n, run! They're gonna hurt you!"
I yelled at her, what i said might've been risky but I'll deny all of it later.
She seemed to have puzzled everything because she paused.
I started fighting as much of the CIA as I could when I see the rest of the park rangers come.
Oh my god they're screwed
"THOMAS" they yelled, i don't think calling me as Thomas is gonna make me seem less suspicious, but it is what it is.
"We got you dude!" Mordecai yelled as they all faught the CIA, Rigby threw himself on them and skips fought them by hand. Benson had a chair somehow and threw it at them


i smiled at them "thanks guys" they nodded and we fought them together.
I see y/n getting hurt by the CIA and it enraged me, i punched the CIA so hard he passed out on the spot.
After a while they all died down and we hid the bodies.
I scan everyone seeing them full of bruises and scratches..i felt bad
This might happen again and more people would get hurt.

I looked at her.
"I'm sorry y/n but you could've been hurt badly- or worse"
She looked at me confused "it's fine Nikolai, what are you sorry for? I decided to help you"

I paused.. all I could do at the moment was hug her tightly embracing her, i don't want to forget how she looks, her laugh, how it feels when we hug..
She hugged me back.
It was silent, we were hugging for a while.
"Y/n, im gonna have to run away to a new state and change my identity again"
She let go off me quickly and looked at me confused with her eyebrows furrowed
"What?? Nikolai but!-"

"I have to y/n, they're never gonna leave us alone unless I run away from my life"

"..Can't i go with you?!"

"You wouldn't be safe if you did, you'd be put through what i was through too.. I don't want that for you y/n, i love you but i have to"

Her eyes started to tear up and she started crying on my chest.
I wrapped my arms around her rubbing her back, this is worse than what i have imagined, i wish I was never a spy, i wish I was never left in the MOMM

The rest of the park walked up to us
"We'll miss you Nikolai" Benson said as he patted my shoulder
"I'll miss you all too, you guys are the best thing to ever happen to me"

"Yeah bro, i know I have pranked you a lot the first time you were here, but i really enjoyed your company" Muscle man said, it meant a lot for him to say that
High five ghost nodded "Yeah dude, you're pretty chill and it would def not feel the same when you're gone"

I smiled at them but looked down on the floor, man this is really tough. They're all my friends! And y/n is my girlfriend, she's the best girlfriend i have ever had.
None of them are like y/n, she didn't care for who i was, she actually cared for me on my first day.
Im gonna miss her too much.
Mordecai and Rigby side hugged me,
"We hope everything goes well for you, and hope that you're okay"
Rigby nodded "yeah man, I'm gonna miss you"
I felt myself tear up a little
Y/n tugged on my shirt begging me not to leave, god i teared up even more.
I let go of her, i had to hide and plan my escape.
I kissed her and she kissed me back deeply,
"I'll miss you a lot y/n, but i promise we will meet soon"
"Don't go.."
"I'm sorry"
"...i love you"
"I love you more my love"
-end of pov-
I cried uncontrollably, I looked down at the necklace he gave me.
He might not be able to bring his little Nikolai plushie.. I'll keep it waiting for him.

I'll wait for him everyday.


Love hurts

He told us he had to stay somewhere else so they don't come back and attack him again.He walked off into the distance in the forest.

We said our good byes and i could berally see through my tears.
I wasn't ready to let go but i had to, i tried running after him but skips stopped me.

"We have to let him go Y/n, or else things will get worse for him"
I cant! I didn't say a word but i just cant! ..
I just hope he can keep his promise, i know that life isn't easy.

It's been days since Nikolai left, i write what i want to tell him and everything that has happened in my life, like how Emilio came back to work after a while, i wonder what he has done while being gone.
He immediately got fired by Benson for now showing up in weeks.
It was funny, i wish Nikolai was here to see it.
I hug the Nikolai look a like plushie every night and I keep my necklace safe, it's all I have from Nikolai and it means a lot to me.
Other than Nikolais sock left on the floor, that's the only thing he left.
It hurts me everyday knowing Nikolai isn't next to me when I wake up, or when I'm working.
But I've decided I can't let Nikolai stop me from having a good time with friends, I try to stop thinking about him.
It won't bring him back but it would help me feel a lot better.
I hang out with more of the park now, I talk to Benson a lot, I go wherever Pops wants to go and I play cards with Skips, though cards are hard it's still fun.
The rest have their own friends so I don't want to be a trio.
I spotted Benson at his office and I decided to talk to him.
"Hey Benson"
"Oh hey y/n"
"How's work been?"
"Oh you know, certain people"
I laughed knowing exactly what he meant, I sat In the seat Infront of him.
"It's been pretty boring lately, we should host a party at the park!"
Benson lifted his head up to look at me
"A party Huh...? Well I don't know, who would even come?"

"I can invite people! And I'm sure the others know people who could come too"

"Sounds fun y/n, how does next week sound?"


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