Chapter 9

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I finally make it back inside and run past all of the men on the floor, and search for my team.

"News or footage, keyword: Hulk." I hear tony say into the ear piece. I halt in my step, hulk. Banner wasn't even supposed to come out? What did i miss? "Natasha i could really use the lullaby." Tony pleads sounding desperate. I look around the hall as I continue to listen in.

"Well, that's not gonna happen. Not for a while. The whole team is down, you got no back up here." I hear Clint say. What happened to the team? I run around in hopes to find Clint, Steve, or anyone for this matter. Hell i wouldn't even mind running into one of the twins right now. I turn the corner and see Steve leaning against some stairs.

"Steve!?" I run and slide over to him and cup his face in my hands. His eyes looked...lost. I softly slap his cheek in hopes to wake him out of whatever this was.

"Clint? Clint!?" I shout into my ear piece.

"Juliet! Are you okay?" He shouts back just as shocked.

"Yeah, Yeah I'm fine. What happened to the team?" I ask trying to lift Steve up slightly.

"The girl got to them, messed with their minds. Where are you?" He asks sounding winded. I only can assume he has Nat back at the ship by now.

"I'm with Steve, he looks so out of it. How do we snap them out of this?" I ask while wrapping steve's arm around my shoulder and lift as hard as i can and slowly walk to the exit.

"Im not sure yet, have you seen thor?" He asks right as the big oaf comes around the corner, looking very winded.

"Thor?! Are you....Are you okay?" I ask out of breathe. He just looks at me before coming over to my side and takes steve from me and walks him outside.

"I have thor, we are on our way to the quinjet." I say before running to thor's side and help carry steve the rest of the way.

"Juliet!?" I hear before im being pulled into someone's arms. I stand still before i realize that it was Clint and relax into his arms, tightening my grip on him.

"Are you okay? How's nat?" I ask quickly as we pull away. He swipes dirt off my cheek before turning to look behind him, Where nat was leaning against the wall looking out into space. Thor places steve in a seat before leaning against the wall and closes his eyes.

"Im fine. Nat is gonna be down for a while. They all will be." He says before walking over to the front of the quinjet. I follow him and sit in the chair closest to him.

"Bruce?" I ask softly looking down at my hand.

"He'll be okay. She must have gotten to him after nat and me."  He states right as we hear noise outside. Thor perks up and goes into fight mode. Clint throws his hand up to him before walking outside, i peak out behind him only to see tony with bruce in his arms.

"Oh" I say and run quickly over to them. "Is he okay?" I ask pushing his hair out of his face. Tony nods and placing bruce down slightly, i grab bruces arm and help tony carry  him to the quinjet. We place him one the ground and i wrap him in the blanket. I turn around and hug tony, who was now out of his suit and looking rough. I squeeze him tight before pulling away.

"Are you okay tony?" He nods and kisses my forehead before walking out of my eyesight. I sigh and look around at everyone. She really did a number on them.


"The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is.. Theres been no official call for banner's arrest, but it's in the air." Maria says to us from the moniter. I sigh and place my head down.

"Stark Relief Foundation?" Tony asks from where he is sitting. Clint is flying us, god knows where at this point and just trying to keep it together.

"Already on the scene. How's the team?" She asks  and boy do i just wanna cry.

"Everyone's.....We took a hit. We'll shake it off." Tony says looking around at everyone.

"Well for now i'd stay in stealth mode, and stay away from here." Maria suggests sadly.

"So run and hide." I say softly while sneaking up behind tony to look at maria.

"Until we can find Ultron, i don't have a lot else to offer." She says sounding beat.

"Neither do we." Tony says before ending the call and turns off the monitor. "Hey, wanna switch out?" Tony ask clint standing up to go behind him.

"No, im good. If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time cause were still a few hours out, You too jules" Clint says looking back at us.

"A few hours from where?" Tony asks what i was thinking.

"A safe house." Clint answers before looking ahead. I squint my eyes at him as Tony turns and heads away while i walk over to clint.

"Is she gonna be okay with this?" I ask quietly to him while handing him a water. He smiles softly and lets out a small laugh.

"It will be fine. Go get some sleep kiddo." He says patting my hand and goes back to flying. I nod before walking away and go over to tony. He is sitting on the ground and has his head leaning back against the wall. Not wanting to bother him i place my jacket on the ground across from him and go to lay down when i hear him let out a quiet whistle. I turn around to see him with his eyes slightly squinted and his arms wide open. I smile before walking over to him and sit down next to him and lean in his arms. Pretty much laying across his chest, i snuggle into him and sigh. I feel his arms go around me tight and he kisses my head. Enjoying some quiet time while i can.

Alexithymia (Avengers : Age Of Ultron)Where stories live. Discover now