Haunted house

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Hi! This includes nature wives, flower husbands, and jizzle. Also high-school AU
"Scottt I don't wanna gooo" The cyanettes boyfriend complained as they walked towards the haunted house to meet Katherin, Shelby, Lizzie and Joel. Sott suddenly turned around and stared at Jimmy with a straight face

"Jimmy. If you don't stop complaining, I will leave you here by yourself and go home" Scott said, no emotion in his voice. Jimmy just fell silent and nodded, and followed he followed Scott towards the attraction
Lizzie was quite literally jumping up and down as Kathy paid for 7 of them. "Calm down Liz, it's just a house" Jimmy said as they walked inside. He was immediately grabbed intertwined his hand with Scott's, holding it tightly. Scott chuckled and kissed his boyfriend's hand, and walked quicker to catch up with the group.
"This isn't to ba-AHHH" Shelby said, falling back into her partner, who, along with the reat of the group, was laughing hysterically.
The group walked through like 20 minutes of haunted house. 5 minutes was the group screaming, 5 minutes was Jimmy tripping over wires and falling, 5 minutes was Joel and Scott bullying Jimmy and Shubble for being scared, and now was the last 5 minutes.

Let's just say...some shit went down
Fighting. Crying. Holding. Protecting. Searching. All in the middle of a attraction that was supposed to be fun. The fun was gone, and choas had replaced it.

"WELL MAYBE IF YOU DIDN'T TRY TO TAKE MY BROTHER FROM ME, THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED!" The pink hair women yelled at her brother's lover.

The group had been shouting at each other so much, they didn't realize Shelby and Jimmy and wandered off. "ITS NOT MY FAULT YOUR SO CLINGY YOU PEICE OF SHI-" Scott was cut off.

Joel yelled, who was comforting Katherin who was actively crying.

"You both are in the wrong here. Come to your senses people, Katherin is crying, Jimmy and Shubble have been found and are waiting for us at the end of the hallway. So stop yelling"

"Sorry" Lizzie and Scott said in union, both laughing a bit. "Now come on" Joel said, putting his hand on Katherins shoulder as the group carried on.

And what do you know, at the end of the hall, after many scares, Jimmy and shubble were standing there, patiently waiting. Once Scott and Katherin caught sight of their s/o,

let's just say because its 11:00 pm and the author has school in the morning and hella tired but wants to get this out, there was a lot of quick and kisses, and hugs.

Lizzie was about to go hug her brother when she was pulled back and into a hug by her boyfriend. "Give it a bit Liz" Joel said, but it was muffled by him putting his head in the crook of her kneck(tall joel?????). Lizzie just smiled and hugged him back, snuggling into the touch.
After the haunted house, eveyone was exhausted, and just wanted to go home. They all said their goodbyes, and left to all their respected houses.
I. Am. So. TIRED! This took 2 whole days to write, and I'm not even they proud of it. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go to bed so I actually have energy for school tomorrow


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