625 🩺 Not Happy Jan (x2?)

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🛑 Stop

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Eve ♡


Home alone, Hongjoong felt like a zombie walking. His head was thumping, and in the background, he could hear Nabi crying still, the way she had been for what seemed like all day.

He let out a pained breath, squeezing his eyes closed. 'No... Please no...'

Dragging his tired body from the shower to his bedroom, his eyes were stinging from his overnight shift and his lack of sleep thereafter, and his body just felt sore. All over, every single muscle in his body ached, purely just from not having slept. His nose was sniffly and slightly red in the mirror, and his skin looked a few shades paler than usual.

All he had done since getting home from work, was go back and forth between spending half an hour settling Nabi on his chest, to another half hour settling her in her bed, before the instant he went to shower, she would awaken and begin screaming the walls down all over again.

It had been hours and hours, and while he'd thought he'd finally succeeded in getting her to sleep, here she was again, crying...

Dragging his feet as he went over to his and Seonghwa's dressing cabinet, as the towel around his waist dropped to the ground, he pulled out the first oversized shirt his fingers came into contact with from the top drawer where they had come to accumulate. He no longer cared for comedies such as pants. Sometimes, he didn't even care for underwear. All he ever did at home was cook, feed Nabi, put her to bed, and then put himself to bed, before cycling between them again on total autopilot.

His appearance reflected solidly on his level of energy.

And right now, he was running on empty.

Pulling on the long grey shirt over his head and letting it fall down his thighs, as Nabi's cries turned to screams, he put his head down on the cabinet and whimpered. Her high pitched screams made his headache feel like it would kill him, and he started to feel like crying himself.

'What am I doing wrong?' he groaned, before standing up, turning and going to pick her up again. Tiredly putting her on his chest, he bounced her through his exhaustion. 'Why are you crying?' he breathed, patting her back. 'I don't know what you want from me.'

If anything, she screamed louder, causing him to want to just give up. He felt like he had tried everything. Seonghwa's white noise apps hadn't worked, swaddling her hadn't worked, feeding her hadn't worked, changing her hadn't worked, walking her around the flat hadn't worked... He'd tried to distract her with just about everything he could get his hands on, and nothing had had an effect.

He'd thought maybe she was sick, and had taken her temperature and vitals, but apart from her angry little heartbeat, she had been fine.

And so he was left with a screaming infant of whom he could not settle.

Feeling tears slip down his cheeks, he walked out of his room with her, deciding he would give up and ring Seonghwa. After all, his husband seemed to be the better of the two of them when it came to settling her. He had been managing when he himself was at work, and so surely he could tell him what was wrong...

The Odd Doctor Out | A Drama | S. 4Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora