743 🩺 The End Of An Age

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Eve ♡


Last shift of his medicine career finished with, Jongho felt almost strange... Like his heart was heavy, or perhaps mind already nostalgic...

A few times throughout his last hours, he had found himself wondering...

Have I done the right thing?

Is leaving really what I want to do?

Will I regret walking away?

He'd been so sure of his decision to leave, but now that he was really ending it... That it was the last time he would wear his med student badge, and work alongside some of the most incredible physicians...

He must have just felt sentimental about his time within the hospital walls, and in a strange way, while he would definitely miss his time in med, he thought he might also miss something else that he had not expected to...

Knock knock...

Knocking on his placement coordinator's door, logbook in hand, a piece of him jolted in a strange kind of way when he heard the words, 'come in,' float through from the other side of the door.

Taking a deep breath, he opened it...

And when his facilitator looked up, he saw the moment a heavy sigh left those lips.

'I thought I told you not to ever let me see you in my office again?'

Usually, he would have gotten upset, but for some reason, it made him kind of smile...

'I'm handing in my placement book,' he said, walking over to his desk and holding it out respectfully with two hands.

His facilitator frowned. 'Why are you giving it to me? Give it to your uni to deal with...'

Swallowing, he bit into his lip, glancing down... 'I need my hours finalised...'

Sighing heavily, the man took the book, flopping it down on his desk. 'So it's true... You're finally dropping out?'

'F-finally?' he stuttered, his stomach swooping.

'I take it that means you've figured out where you really do want to be.'

Eyes widening slightly as he stared at him, he felt his breath rush out from his lips... 'You say that like you know it's not med... How did you know...?'

Leaning back in his chair, he sighed, looking up at him. 'Choi, why do you think I have been so tough on you?'

Disappointed, he dropped his gaze. 'Because I failed my classes and made you change all my shifts with no notice...' he replied quietly...

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