quick note

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Hi, I'm going to continue updating this! I have a TikTok account and YouTube with subliminals MS-SUBLIME  ! 💕 

this sounds more like a little diary but ...

I'm going to write a bit more about general manifestations, and ways to have a new mindset.

meanwhile, I heard this speech the other day and I think it's great advice :

"Be as good at being yourself as they are at being them"


You are not meant to look and act like your favorite celebrity. You are not meant to be like that one person you keep comparing yourself to. You are meant to be you and you only - the best unique version of yourself. When comparing yourself to others, you will always loose.. 

When you say oh wow that girl is so confident, don't say it with jealousy , say it as advice. Be "I wanna be just as confident as her", but you don't want to be her, you want to improve the skill of confidence: this helps you become your best self.  Comparing and imitating others lowers your energy and vibrations and you will never be fulfilled. 

You are amazing and unique and that's the whole point. Yes your idol is incredible - incredible at being themselves! Don't try to become them, try to become you and become just as great at discovering yourself as they are...

Remember, we do not chase, we attract 💓

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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