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Hi everyone! Hope these are working for you and never let your hopes down!

Here is a very simple way of manifesting looks:

You need to go on google and search up affirmations for things like clear skin. You will see a list of positive affirmations and you can choose some and either write them down daily or repeat them daily when you pass a mirror. When er you pass a mirror congratulate yourself by saying (my skin is glowing or my hair is so healthy and long) and leave with a smile. 

The reason this doesn't work for a lot of people is that they contradict their affirmations by going to bed with tons of makeup, not doing skincare or dying their hair every month. This makes the universe confused. Also, they would say the affirmations but not believing in it because then it is pointless. 

If you do it every day, it will help you gain more confidence and will change your appearance to how you want it to be!

Remember, always believe in what you are saying, don't complain that you still don't have what you are wishing because it will slow down the manifesting progress. 

Good luck and remember you are perfect anyway! 

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