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 Now I am going to talk about two other methods that are very similar. 

3x33 and 5x55

For this, you need to create an affirmation for what you are trying to manifest. Example: I am so grateful I just got my new car. 

If you are doing the 3x33 method, you need to write it out 33 times for 3 days. You can write it any time of the day, however its more powerful if you listen to the correct Hz.

If you are doing the 5x55 method, you need to write it out 55 times for 5 days. You can write it any time of the day, and as the first methods, it is better to write it with meditating music. 

By the way:

333 means that your angels and spirit guides are with you and are listening to your manifestations. 

555 means that big changes are coming into your life.

If you notice any numbers with this pattern, for example, 777, 333, 555 (they are special numbers) it means your manifestations are soon going to come true. You can notice them anywhere, on roads, on social media platforms like the number of views or likes you see. 

Don't let your hopes down if you don't notice these, you might have missed them and sometimes it doesn't matte, they are just reminders for you sent by the universe. 

Even if you notice a car near your house and the number plate has one of those numbers, that is also a sign!

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