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You can manifest anything!  For example relationships, looks, jobs. However, I do not recommend trying to manifest bad things to happen to people (for example wishing for someone to break up with someone) because karma exists and what goes around, comes around.                                                                                 ---- 

The first method I am going to talk about is the 3,6,9 method. It is very popular since its fairly simple to use and you can use it for anything.  For this, you just need a notebook, (ideally only used for manifesting or shifting). You can also use your phone but no electronics are better. 

For all of the methods, I recommend listening to meditating music of special Hz for the thing you are going to manifest so your mind is clear and your vibrations will rise. I also 

To manifest a specific person: 

-1.you write out the person's name x3 

-2. the intention 6x

3.What you want to happen 9x (in detail but not too much) 

Remember, for manifesting, never write in the future tense! Only present or past so you can feel as you already have it.


Name (...)

- x3 

Their role (eg. boyfriend/girlfriend)


we are talking a lot and they asked me out, now we are dating..


Don't rush while you write, do it calmly, imagining your relationship or him/her  in your mind. 

general manifestations:



x 3

clear skin and confidence


i am beautiful and confident, i have perfect clear skin and I love myself

x 9

write this out as many times as you want, ideally in the evening before bed. listen to subliminals if you wish and remember to practise gratitude (daily saying in your head what you are grateful for). it really helps to make a pinterest board with visualisations or if you are manifesting physical things, everytime you look in the mirror, point out how great you look!

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