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Thank you to anyone who is reading this:)

Easy method

Now, I am going to talk about a very powerful and easy method of overnight manifestation ( 5+1) which is very good to use on special days such as August 27th. 

The rules are:

1, Think about it. ( if you are manifesting clear skin, job, money then think about that.) 

2. Write it out. (one time is enough)

3. Speak it out. ( one time is enough, make sure you are alone and not interrupted.) 

4. Visualize it. (if you have trouble visualizing things, thinks bout how you would feel if you have it. 

5. Aсt on it. (basically you can only do this if you are manifesting something like a job, but its easier to ignore this step. Don't worry about it. )

+1. Feel as if you have it. (If you want clear skin, look at yourself in the mirror and say things such as ( I have such clear skin. i am so beautiful. If you want a job, feel happy and congradualete yourself, exct.)

Then go to sleep, relxadeand don't stress over it. 

Again, listen to the Hz I mentioned in the chapter before or just meditating music. 

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