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"Your staring" Rindou chuckled which brought my attention back onto his face. 

"Huh? What you- you say?" I asked him, trying to smile and not turn red. 

"I said, your staring" Rindou repeats himself. 

"Was I? Oh I'm so sorry" I chuckled softly. 

I went back to reading my emails, but I was in fact flustered so I could barely focus on those emails. 

About 5 minutes later Rindou came back into the room wearing sweatpants and a brush in his hand. He pouted as he picks the brush up into my view. He acts more of a child then Kai does sometimes. 

"Come here" I sighed, patting the bed in front of me. 

I spread my legs open, as he sits in between them as I brushed his hair. His hair was beautiful, I love it. 

His hair was still wet and dripping onto his chest, shoulders and back so I grabbed a towel next to me and put it on him so he could dry up a bit. I continued brushing his hair and once I was done gave the brush back to him since it is his after all. 

He has quite a few things here at my house. I guess he stayed here enough to have these things here. He puts the towel and brush away as he gets into bed. 

I cuddled up to him like usual and he puts his arm around me and his other hand on my thigh as my leg was over his legs and head on his chest. 

"What movie are we watching tonight?" Rindou asked me as he played with my hair. 

"What do you want to watch?" I asked. 

"I don't mind" he shrugs. 

"Neither do I, should we just look at suggestion?" I suggested. 

We were both very indecisive people, so options were hard for the both of us. We ended up playing some comedy film mixed with fantasy. I reached for my phone again because I never finished reading my emails. Rindou looks at them with me, looking over my head. 

"An email from school? Did Kai do something wrong?" Rindou asked me. 

"I don't believe he would" I said shocked. 

I clicked onto the email and started reading. Oh they were asking for me to come in, with my husband too? What did Kai say or do?! 

"I- uhm husband?" I chuckled. 

"I think they mean me, I guess he tells everyone about me being his dad. Any ideas what it's about?" Rindou sighed. 

"No clue" I shrug. 

"What time is it?" Rindou asked. 

"3pm, he will still be in school then, I wonder why" I sigh. 

"We will go in and see later" he smiled. 

I put my phone down and continued watching the movie. I kept getting paranoid that Kai had done something wrong but he's an angel, there is no chance Kai had done something wrong. 

I was falling asleep, so Rindou put the movie on a lower volume, soon we both fell asleep. The both of us can argue like animals, flight like bears but then be cuddly like bears, just how we argued back at his house, now look at us. Our friendship was full of surprises. 

The next morning, we wake up to Kai jumping on the bed, both of us waking up at the same time. 

"Kai just go get ready for school. I'll take you soon" I smiled at him. 

"I'm happy dad is still here" Kai smiled. 

"Me too kid, mom's bed is way comfier then mine" Rindou chuckled. 

"It's mommy!" Kai growls. 

"Right mommy" Rindou chuckled before grinning. 

Once Kai left, I wondered why he was grinning, but as he turned to look at me with an 'I told you so' look on his face I laughed as we did speak about the difference with mom and mommy with Kai. 

I went to take a shower and Rindou made breakfast. I had gotten into my outfit for today, a forest green dress with thin straps and a very flowy bottom to it, the wind wasn't bad today so it's fine. 

I went to the kitchen and took over making breakfast as Rindou went to get changed. I gave breakfast to everyone and we all sat down to eat. 

"Kai did you do something bad at school yesterday?" I asked him. 

"Uhm no why?" Kai asks. 

"School emailed me asking for both of us in, do you know why?" Rindou spoke. 

"They did that with Ellie, and Toji's parents" Kai smiled. 

"Do you know why?" I asked. 

"They are trying to find parents who are the definition of true love so they could give a small speech about what love is to the shole school" Kai explained. 

What a relief he didn't do anything bad. But love, why? There are 9 and 10 year olds in that class, but to the school that's from the ages of 6 till 12. Me and Rindou too? We aren't exactly in love. 

The rest of breakfast was quite silent and then I had taken Kai to school. I told Rindou to close the doors when he goes home and I'd pick them up later when I'll take him down to the school for 3pm. 

As I got to the school His teacher came up to me as Kai ran into school happily. She asked for a moment to talk and she explained why she asked me and my husband to come in, just like Kai had told us. 

"Ma'am I don't have a husband. I was never married" I chuckled. 

"But Kai always talks about his dad" she seemed confused. 

"His real dad isn't present in his life, it's best that way. And who he calls dad, that's my best friend, he has always been there for him, so Kai started calling him dad" I chuckled. 

"Oh right, then maybe this talk isn't for you then" she laughed. 

"I'd still love to come with him, soulmates and love isn't just romantic relationships, they can also be platonic. Oh and also me and my best friend are often told we seem like a couple, neither of us mind that" I smiled. 

"I love that idea! I'd love to talk to him too, wonderful thank you Hanna" she says as she bows and heads back into the school. 

My best friend (Rindou x Reader) // Tokyo RevengersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ