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"Baby why are you crying?" I look down at him, stroking his hair. 

"Daddy never came with you" Kai lets out tears. 

Daddy? That would be a first, Rindou would have been happy to hear that. 

Just then I feel someone's hands on my shoulder. I turn my head and see Rindou there, so I smiled at him. 

"Sorry I'm late, got caught up" Rindou chuckled. 

"Daddy!" Kai jumps up whipping his tears. 

"Oh he- he never calls me that, it's always been dad" Rindou says smiling. 

"Guess he is growing to like you" I smiled back. 

Even though I smiled I am still reminded in the back of my head how he thinks I've betrayed him. 

The teacher looks at us and smiled. She doesn't say anything about us but tells us to follow her. Kai was holding onto both mine and Rindou's hands as he walked in the middle of us. 

We sat down in the office as Kai sat on my lap and the teacher began asking the questions. 

"I know your not a couple, married or even biologically his father but you both seem very close to be able to raise a kid together" the teacher smiled. 

"Yes we are lucky to have him in our lives, if it weren't for him I don't know where we both would have been right now" I smiled as I look at Rindou. 

I reminded myself of the first day we met. 


I was sat on the bridge with my phone in hand. I was waiting for my boss. He said he would meet me and that it was urgent. I had been waiting for almost 20 minutes and he still hadn't arrived. I called him to see how far he is and he says he wasn't far. As we end the call a man came running my way with a huge bag in his arms. 

He ran straight for me. And with a gun?! I was a detective still back then and as the man saw me pull out my gun he froze. But I don't think it was because of the gun. 

"Get out of the way before I kill you" I heard a mans voice behind me. 

"She has a large bounty on her head, I want that money!" the man growled as he came towards me. 

The man behind me wrapped his arm around me protectively but the man who ran at me shot his gun and hits me straight in the stomach. I fall down to the ground and the man behind me shot the man straight in the head. 

After loosing so much blood the man picked me up leaving the man with the bag, dead on the ground, He carried me to a less civilised place, to be exact the woods. He lifts up my shirt and started cleaning out my wound. 

"What's your name?" I asked him. 

"Its Rindou, but please save your breathe" he chuckled. 

"Thank you Rindou" I chuckled softly. 

He placed his warm fingers over my mouth and hushed me. He stares straight into my eyes and still manages to clean the wound perfectly at the same time. 

Once he was done I was sat up against the tree and we started talking. He ended up taking me home, if it wasn't for him I could of left my son behind. Kai was only 6 back then, what would a 6 year old do without their mother? 

-end flashback- 

The questions on love continue. We couldn't answer most because we were not in love but we tried our upmost best. 

"I must say, you two look perfect for one another. I am sure you have kissed or felt some kind of romantic feelings between one another with the way you answer my questions on love" the teacher says with a big grin. 

I was going to say something but Kai spoke instead. 

"I have never seen them kiss but there always hugging, holding each other and sometime when I wake up in the morning and go see mommy then I see them cuddling in bed with big smiles on their faces!" Kai says enthusiastically. 

"Oh isn't that lovely" the teacher chuckled. 

"We are just really close, Rindou takes care of us all" I smiled. 

"We are great friends, we never have thought differently about each other" Rindou spoke too. 

The teacher nodded her head and we were done. So we leave and take Kai with us. 

Kai wanted to get some ice cream so we both agree on it. Once we left the ice cream parlour I got a phone call from my boss. I told them to walk ahead as I answered the work call. 

"Come in, now" my boss ordered me. 

"But why? I don't work for the rest of the day" I say confused. 

"I need you in this moment, you have 10 minutes" he scoffed and hung up. 

I quickly catch up to Rindou and Kai. They both turn to me with puzzled looks. 

"Take him home, here are the ke-" I say but Rindou cuts me off. 

"I will take him to my house, come by when your done" Rindou says with a smile. 

"I get to go to daddy's house? Awesome!" Kai seemed thrilled. 

"Keep an eye on him, he gets a sugar rush from ice cream. I'll be back as soon as possible, it's just work" I said. 

Rindou smiled and Kai waved me goodbye as I ran off the other direction. I wonder if I will make it in time? And why is it so urgent? 

I ran into the building and I was instantly met with my boss at the door . He looked me up and down and threw a dress at me. 

"Get dressed, we are needed somewhere" he rolled his eyes at me. 

He was wearing a fancy suit, and this dress was a long black gown. It had a bare back with just a crossed string to tie at the back . The front was filled with rhinestones, the dress itself was long too, all the way down to the ground with just one slit opening up my left leg. 

I wonder where we are going? To dress this fancy and be urgent. I got dressed and he took my hand leading me into the car. He hasn't said a word about where we were going, he seems tense though. Is this something bad? I bring myself to ask him a question even when he has that expression on his face. 

My best friend (Rindou x Reader) // Tokyo RevengersWhere stories live. Discover now