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I wait in silence for him to speak, but he says nothing. 

"Could you just tell me already? I someplace to be" I said in a quivering voice. 

I was unable to tell where he was, so I was only more paranoid. 

"Right, well it's about that gang. If you can try and form a romantic relationship with Izana Kurokawa, he's their leader, he will gain you more information" he says to me. 

"He's a very intimidating man, and he's under the impression I'm dating someone else" I sighed. 

"Prove to him you're not, do whatever it takes to gain his trust and love" he says as he strokes my hair behind my ear. 

"Yes sir" I say shaking at his touch. 

"Okay, that's all I needed to say. Although I love this moment between us, a beautiful lady and myself" he chuckled. 

"Thank you sir, but I need to go pick up my son from school" I say trying to move away from his touch. 

Every time I moved I hit something. He finally opened the door for me and light came in. As I step outside to the light, he grabs my ass and from behind me he whispers into my ear. 

"Don't disappoint me with this mission" he whispered. 

I nod my head and he let go of my ass and I rush outside to get to Rindou's home. As I walked in, I see Izana and Kakucho arguing. I know their names know from the file, I just smiled unsure what to say and Kakucho walked up to me. I had thought anyone who argues with Izana would die, they must be close. 

"Rindou will be home shortly, he had to leave for a moment" Kakucho says with a smile. 

"Thank you, I uhm never caught your name" I smiled softly. 

I tried hiding the fact I already knew it, so I smiled. He went to speak but someone else spoke instead of Kakucho. 

"I think you already know that" I heard Rindou behind me. 

"Rindou hi. Have you got my keys? And what do you mean, I only know the names that were said yesterday" I chuckled. 

"Your tensed up, what happened at work today huh? I saw how your boss was talking to you, not like usual" Rindou rolled his eyes. 

"You came to see me?" I ask. 

"I came to give you the keys, but your boss pulled you into some dark small room. I walked up closer to hear you both, your breathing was off, the way you laughed or spoke, it was all off" Rindou growled. 

"I- I uhm yeah, that isn't my boss, he's the owner of the place, leader of this sector" I explain. 

"I don't care about that. I care about what he said" Rindou says throwing my keys in the air. 

He seemed incredibly pissed. I would be too I garb the keys mid-air and put them in my bag, I sigh as I pick my head up to look Rinou in the face. 

"Just so you know, I wasn't actually going to do that. I think I'd rather lose my job then be a spy amongst you all" I say with a soft tone, afraid what Izana and Kakucho will say. 

"A spy? To us?" Izana scoffed. 

"I'm a detective it's what I do, but this made me feel off" I sigh. 

"Go on, say what he requested, I don't want to say it" Rindou says with a glare. 

I turned to Izana and he raised his eyebrows at me. Even the way he stands, it's all so intimidating to me for no reason. 

"He asked if I could form a romantic relationship with you Izana, to gain your trust and love so you would tell me all your secrets" I said barley making eye contact with him. 

"With me?" Izana seemed shocked. 

"Well yes, I just said so" I say rolling my eyes. 

I turn back to Rindou who wasn't happy either. I opened my bag and take out the file on the whole group. 

"Here have them, it's all your files" I say giving them to Rindou. 

"Why give it to me?" Rindou asked. 

"It feels like I'm invading everyone's personal space when reading it, I no longer need it nor want it" I say handing it over. 

Rindou refused to take the file, so I had pushed it into his hands, but he put it down on the side table near the door. Izana walked over and took the file instead. He was clearly amused by it as he laughed whilst reading some things. It's not all accurate of course, after all I didn't write it, if I had it would have been accurate. 

"Where are you getting this information from?" Izana laughed. 

"Not me, my boss. If I wrote them, they would be accurate" I rolled my eyes. 

"Some things are true whilst some others... not" he tilts his head as he reads on further. 

"Right well you have fun reading that, Rindou are you coming?" I say as I walk towards the door. 

"I don't feel like going anymore, not after that" Rindou says crossing his arms. 

"I wasn't actually going to do my job here" I say annoyed at him. 

"Maybe you're just saying that" Rindou looked away from me. 

I grabbed his face and stood up tall to even reach him. I brought his face down a bit to look at me. 

"If I was lying to you, you would be able to tell" I said smiling to him. 

"And you are lying" Rindou said averting his eyes from me. 

What? I don't understand. I told my boss I would but deep down, I knew I wasn't going to. How could I be lying? 

"You agreed, you said you would do it all" Rindou said pushing my hands off him. 

"Stop acting like a baby, I won't do anything!" I growl. 

I was filled with so many bad emotions. How could he possibly think I would betray him like this? 

"I'm not acting like a kid" Rindou took a step away from me. 

"Fine! You have to file do what you want with it, I don't care. But I know Kai will be disappointed and heartbroken that he won't see you there and I guess your just going to have to deal with that" I scoffed. 

I turned my back to him and walked away, slamming the door. What a good man he is but sometimes he acts like a kid and throws tantrums worse then Kai. 

I head to Kai's school on my own. I walk in and the teacher sees me alone and I could see the misery on her face. She definitely wanted to meet Rindou and see what it's like for us to raise Kai together, somewhat together. 

"You husba- friend isn't with you?" she looked at me with pity. 

"He said he couldn't make it, busy with work" I shrugged. 

As we started walking into the school as I saw all the kids playing. Kai spotted me amongst them kids and he ran over to me and hugs my legs, as he looked up at me, I notice tears in his eyes. 

My best friend (Rindou x Reader) // Tokyo RevengersWhere stories live. Discover now