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The Producer stops the car at the parking lot, everyone started to exit the car, before a hand grabs a hold of Sonic making him look up to see who it was, he was holding his electric keyboard in his arms. "S-Shadow?..." Sonic responded.

"Mister Shadow...what are you doing here?" The Producer asked, closing the door behind him.

"To take care of Sonic." Shadow growled, pulling the blue hedgehog closer to him, Sonic flinches but he bites down on lip to stop him from whimper and calling out in pain...it was very clear that Shadow was holding the blue hedgehog in a painful grip.

"No way! Dude" Scourge said taking a hold of Sonic hand, pulling him away from Shadow. "Like hell I'll you hurt him!"

"Scourge!" The Producer said to the green hedgehog, who stood his ground.

"Tsk...Your just jealous that he choice me over you" Shadow said rolling his eyes taking Sonic back, who only winces when Shadow dug his nails into his infected claim mark.

"ENOUGH!!" Fiona growled picking up Sonic, who's cheeks heated up. "None of you are taking Sonic until we figure what the hell is wrong with him..." she said placing Sonic down and taking a hold of his hand leading him into the building, they really don't have time to wait for anyone, considering since Sonic's shoulder was now bleeding along with his arm, and the fact that he was limping. Upon entering the hospital building the Producer walked up to the receptionist. "Excuse me Miss, but this is emergency" they said.

"What k-OH MY GOODNESS!!" The Receptionist said as she saw how badly Sonic looked, almost as if he was a living Zombie, at how bruised he looked, as for Shadow well the Security had him outside forbidding him from entering, a nurse takes Sonic's hand from Fiona leading him to the back to get a quick check up.

Sonic had been quiet during the whole trip, to his group of friends was unlikely for the blue hedgehog, since everyone knew him since middle school, and the blue hedgehog was always a talkative person, it was almost like someone told him to stay silent.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

The Doctor had the Producer and the other bandmates to show them how Sonic had completely lost feeling in his left leg, but the group were mostly concerned about how bruised Sonic was on his body, it was as if someone was only using him for his money...but liked the idea of controlling him, turning this hedgehog, mostly his body into something that only super models wish they could achieve.

"As for the claim marks...and the infection on the shoulder" The Doctor started Sonic just say there without his clothes on...not that needed to hide anything, Shadow who was looking in through the window, only smirks to himself at how perfect he got the body to be...Sonic was already broken enough to that point that he would keep this image...or was to afraid to get rid of the perfect figure. Knuckles just took a look at the wounds on Sonic's back, they were deep and scarred, not even the blue hedgehog's fur would be able to cover the scars. "We can put him on antibiotics for the infection..."


"We are keeping him here...from the looks of it, he had developed an eating disorder...as well as needs stitches all over his certain areas" The Doctor explains.

"You all can leave, as for that ebony hedgehog...I'm having security keep him out" The Doctor said as he lays Sonic down after giving the hedgehog a shot, making Sonic flinch. The quickly taking affect over his body do to how weak he already was falling asleep completely.

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