Chapter seventeen: Duke you come here often?

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Dylan suddenly awoke to a dark and damp smelling room, his head buzzing and fuzzy as he sat up slowly, meeting a just as dazed Ralsei.

"Oh! Dylan! I am glad you are alright- Ohh!" The wizard said thankfully, however, nursing his own injuries, the back of his head which seemed to be the same place where Dylan's head hurt.

"Guess they have good aim" Dylan thought to himself.
The boy looked around, the dull walls and atmosphere reflecting his mood, however, realising that there were only two of them...
"Where's Susie?" The boy asked.

"Imprisoned for eternity" A voice said, making the pair jump, "Like you" They stated.

"What?!" Dylan questioned, shaking his head; this wasn't happening, he needed to go home.
To his dimension.
His home.

Her head pounded, like a beating drum as her mind swirled around her as she sat up slowly, seeing tiny speckles of colour, followed by the cement lining of bricks.

"Huh?" She said, looking around in confusion as her eyes adjusted to the dark, like a hawk.
Then she heard voices.;

"I heard you! You stupid Human!" She shouted, making herself known to the rest of the room.

"Susie?!" The Tsundere heard,

"Oh! And of course you're here too Fluffball!" The bully complained.

"And it is nice to hear from you too Susie" The wizard replied sarcastically, making Dylan hide a smirk so he wouldn't continue the bickering of the monsters.
The Tsundere grunted:

"Could be more happy to hear me! You stupid Fluffball!"

"And you could be more polite to your friends!" Ralsei argued back.

"Polite?!" Susie continued, "Like I can!" She said back.

"It really is not that hard Susie!" The prince explained, but the bully wasn't having any of it:

"-Well maybe you should stop bossing everyone around!" She added, making the row worse; "-And by 'everyone's I mean ME!" Susie implied, hitting the wall with writhing anger that it could be felt by the other two.
Dylan's eyes widened, knowing Ralsei's plan.

"You know, it would be nice every once in a while you called me by my actual name" Dylan joined.

"DON'T YOU START YOU STUPID HUMAN! I CAN CALL YOU WHAT I WANT!" Susie yelled, punching the walls again that it began to crack.

"Hey now! It's my job to tell you to quite down!" The guard warned, only adding to the Tsundere's fury.

"DIDN'T ANYONE HEAR ME WHEN I SAID STOP BOSSING ME AROUND!" The bully screamed, breaking free from her imprisonment and, unluckily, taking her anger out on the King's henchmen, knocking him clean our with one solid punch to the face that the 'crack' of his now broken nose, Dylan pressumed, could be heard from their side of the room.

"Ouch" Dylan commentated, feeling the impact.

"Great! Susie, you are free!" Ralsei celebrated, "Now can you please find a way to get us out of here?" The wizard asked calmly.
The Tsundere's growled.

"Fine!" She barked back, "I'll be back! Stay where you are!" She said, then made a toothy grin; "Oh yeah! You're imprisoned so you can't go anywhere!" She laughed at her own joke, leaving the dark humour in the air while she found a way to break the pair out.

She turned the corner of the cold corridoor, no life to be seen in any of the cells of the dungeon, Susie guessed, as her footsteps kept her company while she explored the dark hallways of the castle, she turned the next corner, spotting a little chubby figure blocking the way, looking defeated, pale and weak, like they had just been in a fight.

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