My boy toy - Brim [Brian x Tim] NSFW

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Sorry for not updating this like... at all-

This will have:


(Sorry, I've changed my mind about the sex toys... Unless you consider handcuffs as sex toys-)

And top Tim

Third person POV

Tim and Brian were just cuddling in bed. Brian's arm was lazily draped around Tim's waist. Tim just snuggled into Brian's chest. It was around 8:00 at night. Brian was dressed with a dark green tang top and his boxers. While Tim had a baggy t-shirt and black sweatpants. "What do you wanna do sunflower?" Tim slid up a bit, so his face was infront of Brian's. "I'll do whatever you want" The other male smiled as his cheeks turned into a light shade of rose red, and answered. "I was gonna say the same thing" Tim quietly laughed, "But I'll try to think of something." The two sat the for a couple of seconds before Tim softly kissed the other male. Even though it was soft, it was passionate. Brian kissed back, almost instantly, but he was also the first to pull away. "H-How about we have a nap?" He was clearly flustered. Tim slowly nodded.

Brian's back was against Tim's chest. He wasn't that tired, but was really... Nervous, I guess is the word. Brian finally started to drift to sleep, though he wasn't tired. However, he felt a soft hand run down his chest and to his slight erection in his pants. His lover's hand began to slowly palm his dick. "A-Ahh~... T-Tim W-What are you- M-Mmmph~" Tim started palming Brian just the way he likes it. "You wanted something to do right?~" The brown haired male teased, "So I chose something to do~" The taller male groaned slightly. "T-Tim~ I-Im not in the mood to f-fuck Y-You...~" Said male laughed, "Who said you were fucking me?~" Brian's cheeks turned beet red. "Unless... You wanna quit now-" "N-No! I-I mean, N-No thanks..." Tim smiled softly and palmed Brian harder and faster. "G-Gah~ J-Just stroke it and s-stop teasing me!" Tim laughed softly again, and slid his hand into Brian's boxers, slowly sliding them off. "Jeez, your already that wet?~ Didn't mean to turn you on that much, heh..." Brian's lover ran his finger across the slit of his dick, making Brian whimper. "P-Please~..." "Shhh~ Be patient love~" The current bottom groaned, "how am I supposed to be patient when your teasing me like t- Ahhh~!" Tim started to pump Brian's dick to make him stop talking. His hand moved slowly, then quick, then painfully slow. Every now and then, Tim would tease the tip of Brian's dick by just rubbing it. "F-Fuck T-Tim~ Y-Your so g-good at that I-Its slightly c-concerning~ fffuuuccckkkk~"

After a couple of minutes, Tim stopped and took off Brians shirt. Tim took his shirt off as well, but didn't take off his sweatpants. The male made his lover get trapped under him (Brian's trapped under Tim) by pinning him. "M-Mmm... Tim g-get off!" Brian secretly loved this position, but acted like he hated it anyway. "Stop squirming or else I'm tying your hands to the bed post." Tim's words were filled with venom and lust, making Brian blush and squirm more. Like the other said he would, he grabbed handcuffs (kinky-) and placed Brian's hands in them before clicking them together. "W-Where'd you get those?!" Tim just ignored Brian's question and grabbed his own shirt, tieing Brian's hands to the bed post with it. The blonde haired male blushed instantly. "There. Now you're alllll tied down and unable to move ~" Tim winked, and hovered over Brian. His eyes scanned Brian's body as he slightly bit his lip and smiled. "Damn..." He mumbled. The shorter male started kissing and leaving hickey's all over Brian's neck. "G-Gah~ F-Fuck~" Then on his collar bone and chest. Tim kissed and softly bit at Brian's ab area thingy- (cuz he has abs in my AU... Along with Alex........... Yeah ...) Which made Brian whimper and let out a louder moan then usual. "M-MMMPH!~ F-FUCK I-IM SENSITIVE T-THERE!~" Tim pulled up, surprised. He just stared at the other with blush across his face, before smirking. "Good information~ and jee, that was loud!~" Tim smiled with his teeth and giggled quietly, before leaning down and kissing his lovers ab area once again, then moving down and kissing at his "V line." Being a tease, Tim kissed at Brian's inner thighs which once again, made Brian whimper and moan loud. "His most sensitive spots are his abs, inner thighs, and his neck too, I guess... Noted..." Tim said in his mind before continuing.

About a minute later, Tim finally gave in after a whole minute of Brian whimpering and begging for him to suck him off. Tim made sure to do it real good. He slid his lips onto the top of Brian's dick and sucked hard. "A-Agh~" Brian moaned, which gave Tim some more confidence. The male took in only half of his lovers dick before it hit the back of his throat, making him gag. Unexpectedly, he started roughly and quickly sucking Brian's dick as he moved his hand to pump the amount he couldn't fit in his mouth. "H-Haaa!~ S-Shit, fuck!~" Tim started to hum which sent shivers up Brian's spine. "I-Im gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!~" Tim stopped right before Brian's orgasm, causing Brian to let out a choked whine. Tim put a finger over Brian's slit, stopping him from cumming. "Hold it." Tim's voice was filled with venom again, just causing Brian to whimper. "A-Ahhh!~ W-Why?!~" Brian soon calmed down and just panted. "Mmm, good boy~" Brian blushed hard as Tim leaned down and kissed him passionately, tounge and everything. Brian took no time to kiss back. "Mmm~" Tim pulled away after some time, and pulled off his sweatpants. "Y-You have no boxers on...?" Tim Shook his head, "Nope." Tim teased the top of his dick in Brian's ass. "J-Just shove it in a-already! F-Fuck!" The brown haired man made a "Tssk, Tssk Tssk" sound. "Bad boy, not being patient" "W-Wha- AHHH!~" Tim shoved the rest of his dick in with a quick thrust, making Brian's hair move slightly, along with him moaning loud. Brian's lover waited for him to get comfortable. "You good, dear?" Brian nodded. "Good. We're gonna have fuuunnn~" Brian groaned, before getting roughly and quickly fucked. "G-GAH!~ GMMM!~ W-WHAT T-HE F-F-AAAAAH!~" Tim chuckled, and placed a hand in Brian's hair, gripping it slightly. He blushed a blood red at his hand, loving whenever Tim did that. "You always treat me so good dearest ~" Brian blushed harder. "You treat me like a king~ so, so very good~" Brian blushed as hard as he physically can and whimpered than moaned at Tim's thrusts. "And you deserve a reward for treating me just so, so good~" Brian opened his mouth slightly to speak, but found out he lost the ability to form proper sentences. "I-I- Y-Y-ou" Tim chuckled, "Relax love ~" With that, he started ramming into Brian with all his power. Not hurting him, of course. "G-G-GAAAHHH!~ A-AGH!~ M-MMMPH!~ T-TAAHHH~ C-C-CUMM-ING~" Was all Brian could say. Tim kept fucking him, but started roughly and quickly pumping Brian's dick again. "Hold it again until I c-cum~" Brian's head leaned back as he held it until he heard the words he wanted to hear. "Cum."

Brian let out a big load, whimpering and moaning while doing so. Tim let out a deep throated groan. The two "layed" there and caught their breath. Soon, the shorter one uncuffed the taller one, along with taking off his shirt. Tim through the stuff somewhere, and plopped down beside his husband. He kissed Brian's cheek. "I love you~" Tim's voice was soft, gentle, and caring. "Mmm Mmm mm mm... Pant" Was all Brian could "say." It made Tim chuckle. Tim pulled Brian into his chest and held him. Brian took no time to snuggle into the crook of Tim's neck as his hand snaked up Brian's back, and rubbed circles into it. The two actually were sleepy this time, and let sleep claim them, as they cuddled together.

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