Five minutes. [Jay x Tim x Brian] NSFW

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This is a long one 🙂 . . .


It's been quite the day for Tim at work. His boss complained about many mistakes he accidentally made due to him being so exhausted from the day before, he spilled his coffee on himself by accident, a bird took away half of his sandwich for lunch, and other people he worked with were being straight up douche bags.

Tim walked through the front door of his house, closing and locking the door behind himself. He removed his shoes and jacket, then walked more inside. Brian hopped off the couch and hugged Tim tightly, kissing all over his face. "I missed you!" He practically squealed, causing Tim to blush. "I missed you too, love." Tim felt another pair of arms wrap around him from behind. "Hey, Tim." Jay mumbled in his ear, rubbing his hips. "How was work?" Brian asked, kissing Tim's, then Jay's head. Tim yawned, being sandwiched between the two. "Y'know. The usual... Shit." He laughed to himself, wrapping his arms around Brian and basically laying on him. "What about you two? Well, Jay I guess." - Brian doesn't have a job, but he's looking for one - "Eh, working at an antique store gets as boring as it sounds. Yet it's not that bad, y'know? It's kinda calming not getting too much business, but enough business that it's not overwhelming." Jay smiled, kissing Tim's shoulder. "We get it Jay, you have the easier job." Brian teased, patting Jays head. Tim giggled, "Brian has a point-" "Shush shush. You asked, anyway."

"But I didn't need you to bragggg~" Tim said, chuckling along with Brian. "You two are mean." Brian raised an eyebrow, having a smug look on his face. "Then why are ya hugging us, shortie?" Tim continued to laugh against Brian's chest. "Heyy, Tim's the short one in this relationship!" "Then you're the second shortest." "It's not my fault you're tall." Tim slid out of the twos grasp. "While you two bicker, I'm gonna go settle in or whatever. Like, change my clothes, y'know." Brian and Jay both nodded at once, smiling at Tim. "Sounds good to me!" Brian said with a toothy grin. "Me too." Jay agreed.
Tim smiled at the two, blushing softly as he walked into the bedroom.

Timothy slid off his shirt, putting on a more baggier t-shirt with a band's logo on it. He pulled off his jeans and belt, sliding on some shorts then walking in the bathroom. Once he came out, Brian and Jay were both sitting on the bed, Brian smirking ever so slightly. "Uhhhhh... Guyssss? Whatcha lookin like that for-" Tim asked, making his way to them both. "Well," Brian said, standing up. "We were wondering if you'd like to have some... Quality time." A blush formed across the shorters face, instantly knowing what he was hinting at. Tim glanced at Jay, receiving a soft smirk like smile. He then looked back to Brian. "So? What's your answer, darling." Tim gulped, "Give me atleast five minutes to settle in-" One of Brian's hands pushed Tim onto the bed. "Plleeaassseee?~" Jay begged, Brian doing the same. "pretty pleeasseee?~" Brian asked with puppy eyes. "With a cherry on top?~" Jay added. After some thinking, Tim came to a decision. "Fine, fine. Only because I love you two. But can you two gimme some time to do my own thing after? If I want to of course." Brian grinned. "Of course!! You could do that anytime!"

Tim smiled, then looked at Jay. He was fiddling with his belt, undoing it and throwing it somewhere random. "That was fast" Tim murmured, glancing back at Brian. "We'll be gentle baby," Brian stated. "Promise" Tim smiled more. "Thanks, guys."

Jay crawled onto the bed and put a hand on Tim's cheek, tilting his head to the side to face him. He pressed his lips against Tim's in a kiss, earning a happy little noise from him. Two hands trailed down the sides of Jays body, slipping his shirt off. Tim threw his shirt - Jays - by Jays belt then kissed him again, more passionately. "Don't forget about me, cuties." Brian whispered, kissing Tim's neck. "M-Mmph~..." He separated the kiss between Jay and himself, groaning softly. "We're not..." Tim mumbled, then kissed Jay again. Brian bit down on Tim's neck, causing him to moan into Jays mouth. Jay chuckled, separating the kiss and undoing his jeans with Tim watching in anticipation. Brian glanced at Jay and grinned, getting on top of Tim and kissing him deeply. A soft gasp escaped the shorter male as he kissed back, wrapping his arms around Brian. One of Jays hands rubbed Tim's thigh, as he slid off his own boxers, tossing him with the rest of the clothes. Brian pulls away with a chuckle. "Huh-?" Tim questions out loud, before his mouth is filled with Jays warm dick, slowly thrusting in and out. "Mm!... Mm..." Tim wrapped a arm around Jays waist, Brian sliding off Tim's clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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