Abandoned exploration - Brilex [Brian x Alex] NSFW

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Thank you for helping me with this oneshot, _Ethan_666 <3

Alex walked through the empty, long corridor of the abandoned warehouse. Searching for the idiot, named Jay Merrick. Or his buddy, Timothy Wright. Maybe even the hooded guy, yet he wasn't sure.
Alex has been doing this for a while now. Taking his gun and searching random abandoned areas in Rosswood Park, hoping to end this entire process of elimination. Yet, unfortunately, he hasn't had any luck.

Like all times, Alex picked a random abandoned place he found and was planning on searching through it. "If I was an idiot who looked like a twig, would I go in here?" He mumbled out loud to himself, his breath hot against the chilly air of the woods. "Eh, probably. He doesn't know anything so why would it matter." The tall man walked in, pulling his hood more over his head and pushing his square glasses back up his nose. Glass broke under his feet, along with other random debris. Alex looked inside the random rooms, then came across a smaller one. It had a busted up mattress, a few water bottles, and random other junk. "What the-" before he could finish his sentence, he was pinned up against the wall. His gun falling from his hands.

"What- Get off!" Alex swung and kicked, nothing happening. He opened his eyes and came face to face with the red unapproving frown of who he personally nicknamed, "Dickwad." A.K.A, The hooded man. The hidden man oddly didn't attack Alex, just held him up against the wall. "What do you want." Alex groaned, trying to kick his leg and not expecting a response. Like usual, the frowning mask stayed silent, "staring" at him. Alex's eyes narrowed, and he huffed. "Get off me mute ass bitch..." Alex punched Hoodie right in - where he suspected - his jaw, causing him to stumble back a little.

Alex saw his gun then tried running to it, Hoodie beating him in their mini race. He grabbed Alex's gun before said man could, pointing it at Alex's forehead. "Fine, fine." Alex put his hands up, backing up a bit. "You win, asshat." A soft grunt came from behind the mask as Hoodie started to walk closer to Alex. Keeping the gun aimed at his head. Alexander backed into a wall behind him, Hoodie pinning him there and tilting his head up by his chin, using the tip of Alex's gun as almost a tease. "I get it. You took what's mine. Woohoo, hooray. Want a medal?" A huff came from the hooded male. "So you're just not going to talk, hm? Are you really mute or just scared to talk because we'll find out your wittle secwet~?" That got Alex a punch in the face. "Augh... Fuck you." Hoodie's head tilted to the side. "No- not- ugh you fucking pervert! I have a girlfriend- had a girlfriend-!" . . . A click echoed from the gun, signaling Alex better do as told. "Fine- fine fine fine just don't shoot me-" The gun slowly traced down Alex's neck, chest, stomach, and stopped at the front of his jeans. "I-... What?" Alex was entirely confused. First, they were fighting. Then, Alex was threatened, and now his own gun is pointed to his dick-?

"Hoodie" crouched down, pressing a arm against Alex's stomach to keep him against the wall. "What the fuck do you think you're doing hooded bitch-" no response. Hoodie undid Alex's jeans. "Woah woah woah woah-" He undid Alex's jeans button. The gloved fingers traced up and down the zipper slowly, then pulled it down by the mini handle. "Don't you fucking dare-" The hooded male pulled down his jeans and boxers, quickly pulling up his mask halfway, and took Alex's dick into his mouth. "A-Ahh~ W-What the f-fuck-... Mmm~" Kralie was barely processing what was happening. He didn't even know why Hoodie dared to expose a little part of his body, especially some of his face. Also, why was he giving him a blowjob out of the blue?

"F-Fucckkk hooded bitch-... J-Jesus you're s-strange~..." Alex's head went back against the crumbling wall, his mind blank. Hoodie continued sucking him off, pulling up for quick breaths every now and then.

Alex's hands gripped the hoods fabric in handfuls, a loud moan escaping Alex's lips. "Y-You better not post this online or s-something because I will kill y-you I swear to- g-gahh~ G-God-..." The hooded man nodded, continuing to pleasure the other. Earning groans and moans. "G-God you have no i-idea how long it's been since someone's done this typa stuff to me... Mmm~" Hoodie sped up, gagging slightly each time Alex's erection hit the back of his throat. Some pre-cum leaked out, running down his throat. "I-I'm gonna cum soon..." Alex mumbled, tugging on the yellow hood. "I'm gonna fucking cum..." A gloved hand rubbed Alex's thigh, the other keeping him pressed against the wall. Hoodie pulled up, panting slightly. He kissed the tip of Alex's cock, stroking the rest with his hand. The feeling of the glove sent Alex over the edge, cumming in his hand. A low grumble came from Alex, his eyes shutting tightly and his legs going weak. "F-Fuck I-... S-Shittt~" The hooded man grinned again, putting Alex's gun in his pocket while pulling his frowning mask fully down again. Alex's eyes stayed shut. When they opened, Hoodie was gone. "I-I'm never talking about this ever fucking again..." Alex grumbled, pulling his boxers, jeans, and belt back on. "Weirdest, yet... Pleasurable experience I had in a while."

He pat his pocket, expecting to feel the lump from his gun. Yet, he was met with nothing. "What the... Did he..." Alex groaned. "That jackass took my gun! Ugh, I fucking hate him! Why didn't I just shoot him?!" He mumbled, whispering swears under his breath. "Alex you're such an idiot sometimes!"

Hoodie watched from a window, hiding in the trees. Even though his mask was a frown, his lips curved into a smile.

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