Tears and cuddles - Brim [Brian x Tim] SFW/FLUFF

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There will be (TW):


It's been a rough couple of nights for Tim. He's been having nightmares for the whole week and he wasn't telling Brian. Every night throughout this week, he's waken up due to a nightmare and cried a little. Luckily not waking Brian up once... Until tonight.

Third person POV

Tim woke again. Due to another nightmare. Brian was laying beside Tim, fast asleep. Tears streamed down Tim's cheeks quickly as he curled up into a little ball and tried to stay quiet, not wanting to wake Brian up. One of Tim's hands went into his hair and gripped it tightly. His other arm was wrapped around his legs. "Tim? I-Is that you?" The shorter male froze. "I woke him up... I'm the worst fucking husband in the whole world... He probably hates me now..." Thoughts started popping up in Tim's head quickly and not going away. His breathing got heavier and he started to shake. Brian sat up and got closer to Tim. "Love, are you alright?" Tim started crying again. "Woah, Woah Woah! What's wrong?" Brian pulled Tim into his lap and slid his hand up his shirt, rubbing circles into his back soothingly. Tim didn't respond. "Darling, please tell me what's wrong-" "No! I'm NOT telling you what's wrong!" Tim yelled into Brian's chest, before crying again. "I-Im sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you..." "It's fine dear. Let it out." He started bawling into Brian's chest.

"I-Ive ruined everything! B-Brian I'm sorry!" "Hey, hey hey. It's okay! What do you think is your fault dear?" Tim sniffled, "E-Everything! It's my fault Marble Hornets happened, it's my fault I had such a shitty fucking childhood, I-Its my fault I've not been a good husband, there's just so many t-things!" He cried harder into his chest. "Listen love. It's not your fault Marble Hornets happened. It's that... Things fault. It's not your fault your childhood was crap, it's your mother's and all those bullies from highschool and stuff. And you've been an amazing husband! Actually, the best husband ever! You are so perfect, and adorable, and kind. You remember little details about me, listen to me ramble about something, you listen to me when I'm really annoying and probably a little goofy! Do you see how everything is not your fault sweetie?" Brian kissed Tim's head and pulled him closer, more into a hugging position. "Y-Yeah..." The shorter male wiped his eyes, "I-I guess..." The other lover sighed. "I understand if you don't. Those thoughts aren't so easily changed sometimes. But just try to think about how perfect you actually are. Don't think about your flaws in life. I love you so, so, soooo much and if anything happened to you... Boy would I be sad. If someone made that thing happen to you, I promise, they're never seeing the light of day again!" Tim laughed. "I love you Bri" Brian smiled softly. "I love you too."

After a couple of minutes, they both fell asleep, still in the hugging position. Tim smiled and cuddled up closer to Brian.

Marble Hornets One Shots || Angst, NSFW/Lemon, SFW/Fluff ||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang