Chapter One - Packing

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A/N - Hello! Welcome to my first fic on this site! This is not my first GF fic rodeo, so I'm hoping this will be a tiny bit good.
This is a trans!autistic!Dipper AU where Weirdmaggedon did not happen. Everything else is the same, except Dipper did not go that summer.
He has extreme social anxiety which makes it hard to do things. I myself am autistic so this will hopefully be some good rep!
Sorry for the horrifically long A/N.
Without further ado, enjoy!

Dipper sighed. Why was packing so difficult?
Just chuck some clothes into a bag, boom. Done.
But naturally, he couldn't do just that.

"Shirts, pants, shoes, underwear, binders...anything else?" Dipper asked Mabel.

"Nope! I can't wait! Gravity Falls is the best! You'll love it there! There's woods and Grunkles and..."

He zoned out after that. Ever since that summer 2 years ago, Mabel had been begging him to come with her to her 'most favourite place in the world ever'. Finally, he had said yes.

"Dipper? Are you listening?" Mabel snapped him out of his revery. He sighed, already dreading the long summer ahead of him.


Dipper hated people.
They were loud and rough and scary. They made his chest feel tight and his legs shake. The only time he interacted with anyone was at home, or with Mabel.

A random town on the opposite side of the country was quite literally Dipper's worst nightmare. New people who would touch and poke and prod and get far too close to him.
Ask about his headphones, ask about his stims. Constant questions.

Don't even start on being trans. Exactly three whole people in the world knew Dipper (or Mason as he had technically named himself) was transgender; his mum, his dad and Mabel.


Dipper's hands fidgeted endlessly, trees whizzing past as his panic slowly grew.

"Mabel, maybe this wasn't such a good idea. I don't know anyone there, and you know something bad is going to happen. What if-"

Mabel clapped her hand over his mouth.
Dipper resisted the urge to lick it.

"Mason. This is going to be fine. We will say a quick hello to four people, then you can go to our room and stay in there until dinner. You are going to be ok"

He let out a shaky breath, anxiety quelled for now.

"Yeah. This is going to be ok..."

Just as he said that, the bus doors opened and in jumped a pig.

This was going to be a complete disaster.

A/N - Chapter One is done! I'll try to update once a week, or when someone interacts in literally any way, including just looking at it lol.
Have a good day/night, love you all!

Word Count - 461

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