Chapter Five - What?

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A/N: I'm baaaaaack!
I've been feeling so much better lately, and so you guys get a new chapter! I've decided that I'll write at least 1K words and then post, so expect chapters every week and a half (don't hold me to that lol)
Without further ado, enjoy!

"Awww, bro bro, you gotta give me some credit! You and Grunkle Stan get along so well now!" Mabel smiled apologetically, but Dipper wasn't buying any of it.

"Yeah, well you could at least apologize properly! That was a really shitty thing to do to your own brother!" Dipper crossed his arms in frustration. Couldn't she see how much he had hated that afternoon?

"Fine! I'm sorry for locking you in a room with our slightly transphobic uncle! Are you happy now?" Mabel huffed.

"Yes. Yes I am." Dipper smiled, he knew it wasn't really genuine, but he didn't care. She had apologized, and that was the end of it.

"Mabel! You up here dude?" Mabel's eyes lit up.

"WENDY! You came!" She ran to greet a redhead who had been standing in the doorway. Dipper immediately shrunk into himself, the unannounced guest making his chest feel tight again.

"Dipper! This is Wendy, she works at the register!" Mabel smiled wide, braces on full display. Dipper shyly waved, while Wendy just smiled.

"Wanna go check out the abandoned shop again? We haven't been since you first came, and we're all suuuuper bored." Mabel practically jumped out of her seat, hurriedly putting on her shoes.

"Yeah! Dip Dop, you wanna come? It's ok if you don't." A thousand thoughts ran through his head, trying to figure out a solution to every possible outcome. What if Wendy's friends didn't like him? What if he had a panic attack? What if they harassed or beat him up because he was trans? What if-

"-pper? Earth to Dipper, you ok?" Mabel rubbed her palm against his back in small circles, the gesture grounding him back into reality.

"No, thank you though, I don't think I'm ready just yet." Dipper was almost sweating, anxiously awaiting a response.

"Ok! Don't sweat it dude, come along whenever you want!" Wendy smiled and gave him a thumbs up, as he felt relief flood through him.

"See you later! I'll save you some smile dip if I can find some!" Mabel and Wendy ran out the door into the hallway, leaving Dipper to do pretty much whatever he wanted for the next half hour.

A flash of red ran across the lawn outside the window. Dipper did a double take, pressing his face up against the glass to see what it had been.

Another flash of red and blue, too fast to see. The thing had dropped a scrap of red fabric. Dipper ran down to look at it.

As he scrambled down the stairs, he bumped into Ford.

"Sorry! No time to talk!" Dipper kept sprinting out of the house.

He raced out the door, legs pumping and heart pounding. He was so, so close, almost there, almost there!

He missed it by a second, small hairy figures running off into the dark of the forest. Dipper collapsed onto the floor, wheezing. Running like that was not a good idea in a binder.

"Dipper? Are you ok? You almost knocked me over!" Ford came out, looking concerned.

"Small…men…red hats…wanted to…see…" Dipper panted, throat quickly drying out.

Ford seemed to freeze. That sounded like gnomes. And if Dipper found out about gnomes, there would be nothing stopping him from finding out about the multitudes of dangerous and life-threatening creatures in Gravity Falls.

"About that…we need to talk."

~one very long explanation later~

Dipper stared slack-jawed at Ford, his head spinning. Gnomes? Fairies?? The multibear? How could any of this be real?

"I- what- huh? How is any of that even possible!" Ford sighed deeply.

"I don't know. But there's some kind of force that keeps the weirdness here, kind of like gravity, but for the supernatural."

"C-can I see this? I don't think I can really trust that this is real until I see it for myself…" Dipper still felt an intense sense of disbelief. But if this was real, he simply had to see it for himself.

"Of course! We'll go on a trip tomorrow. I need some more supplies anyway!" Ford smiled.


Dipper had always loved the supernatural. Things that were strange or anomalous intrigued him, and cryptozoology was one of his favorite things to ramble about. Ever since he had borrowed a book about Bigfoot, it had quickly become his special interest, and could talk about it for ages.

So maybe that's why he didn't scream or leave Gravity Falls when Grunkle Ford had told him. Because he had so desperately wanted to see this stuff for years. Cryptids and bizarre activity had always been there for him, and the chance to see these things, 100% real and in the flesh, was an opportunity he simply could not miss.


"Diiiipperrrrrr! I'm baaaaaack! I brought an extra Smile Dip! I can smell color!" Mabel waltzes through the door, giggling to herself as she walked in. Wendy smiled apologetically.

"Sorry about this…we tried to stop her but once she sees that stuff…there's nothing that can stand in her way."

"Ah. Ok. I'll make sure to keep an eye on her?" What was Smile Dip? It must have drugs in it if this is the effect it had on Mabel.

"Hehehehehehe…Dipper, you taste like green! And you smell like triangles!" Mabel waltzed into the kitchen, mumbling weird little things as she went

"Rrrrright. A-anyways, do you want to come in? I can get you s-something to drink!" Dipper stuttered, mentally kicking himself. Stupid nervous stutter, always coming back at the wrong time!

"Sure, got any Pitt cola? How's Gravity Falls been for you Dipper?" Wendy smiled languidly, walking into the kitchen.

"Uh, good…not much has happened, but what do you know about…weirdness?" His heart was pounding. Did she know? Was this a secret? Would Ford-

"Oh, Ford told you? Yeah, it's kinda strange but fun. Always something to, like, do. Gets pretty strange though, especially around the shack." She sipped her drink.

"Huh. By the way, what's Smile Dip?" Wendy shuddered.

"Do not try that stuff. It's like being high. It's banned in America. Don't know why Mabel likes that stuff, but you might want to keep her out of it."

"Sounds like drugs, honestly."

"May as well be, with the effect it has on her!" Wendy laughed.

Just as Dipper started to relax, there was a crash upstairs.


A/N: Smile Dip is practically drugs lmao
Again let me know if you want to see any particular hcs or tropes or pairings or anything, I'd love to hear your suggestions!
Word count - 1075

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