Chapter Six - Broken Glass

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A/N: this is very short and kinda late, sorry about that lol.
Shoutout to my friend Demonic-Red and user chaoticboi0901 you guys really help my motivation!
Without further ado, enjoy!

The "nerd thing" just happened to be his favorite collectible from his favorite series, one that had been entirely discontinued. There were very few of them left, and here was his, laying in two pieces on the floor.

No, not two, just two big chunks. There were little bits of glass and plastic littering the floor, too small to pick up but just big enough that it would hurt if you stepped on it.

Dipper tried to keep himself calm. It was just a toy. Just a toy. Just a toy. Just a toy.

But it wasn't, was it?

Captain Spaceboy was a very rare franchise, and any collectables that were left were few and far between. He had had one, such a precious thing, and now it was broken. He felt broken, just like the Captain Spaceboy figure on the ground.

"Ohhhhh Dipperrrr…m' so sorry…very special toy…very rare Spaceboy Captain…" Mabel's words were slurred and muddy, but the sincerity in her voice was clear. She was truly sorry.

"Can I have a second? Please?" Mabel and Wendy nodded, leaving the room silently.

He had to stay calm. Keep breathing, in and out, in and out. He could get through this. He had to.

Gently picking up the pieces, he pricked his finger on one of the sharper edges. Blood welled up, bright red dripping onto the white plastic.

Dipper couldn't stop his tears from streaking down his face. It was small and stupid and fixable, but it was his. And it was so precious. His dad had brought it for him at a convention, one of the last stalls to ever sell Captain Spaceboy merch.

Curling up, the pieces dug into his hand. Not enough to break the skin, but enough to leave marks. Just deep enough to hurt.

Breathe Dipper. You can get through this. Just get some super glue and fix it. It's easy to fix. You can get through this.

His resolve steadied, Dipper stood up. A piece of plastic pressed into the sole of his foot.

He crumbled, unable to calm himself down anymore. He curled up and cried, little voices in his head calling him a pathetic crybaby.

He heard knocking on the door.

"Dipper? If you don't open this door I'll let myself in!"


Mabel's POV
"Can I have a second? Please?" Mabel nodded and left, pulling Wendy with her.

"Is he ok? What happened?" Wendy looked really concerned.

"He'll be ok. Dipper gets very attached to things very easily, and if those things break, it's a bit harder for him to stay calm." Mabel smiled nervously, the effects of Smile Dip were wearing off.

"Is he going to be ok?"

"Yeah, we just need to give him some space and to stay calm. I'll go check on him in a second and see if we can fix it."

"Ok, I should probably start heading home, see you later Mabel!" Wendy smiled and went down the stairs.

"Bye Wendy!" Mabel smiled back.

A/N: I'll hopefully be back in a week with a new chapter!
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- Callisto

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