Chapter Two - Why Am I Here?

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A/N: oh my gods, people are reading my fanfic???? People actually like my fanfic?!?!?
No, seriously, this is insane! I love each and every one of you, thank you for supporting me :)
This was surprisingly hard to write, but just seeing the amount of views kept me motivated, so thank you!
Without further ado, enjoy!

Dipper sighed as Mabel squealed and ran to hug the pig, probably Waddles. She had talked at length about her pet, who was not under any circumstances allowed outside of Gravity Falls.

As they got out of the bus, Dipper began to feel his anxiety come back. He had spent less than five minutes in Gravity Falls and he was already starting to feel anxious, why him!

"Mabel? Kiddo? That you?" An old man with a suit stood outside, grinning ear to ear.

Dipper shrunk back into his seat, binder suddenly feeling very tight and constricting.

These people didn't know he was trans! They still knew him as Mya! They would all be confused about his chest and hair and clothes!

Dipper began to hyperventilate, shaky breaths sounding far too loud in the silence.

"Where's Mya? Shouldn't she be out here?"

Oh god. Oh god. Oh no. He couldn't be Mya again. He just couldn't! Tears started to fall down his face, breath out of control.

"Dipper! Are you coming?" Mabel ran back into the bus, her footsteps sounding impossibly loud.

Dipper started to properly cry, tears making streaks down his face.

"Oh, Dipper…breathe, ok? Just breathe, you're going to be alright…"

After what felt like hours (but was probably only 5 minutes) Grunkle Ford walked in.

He looked confused, and who wouldn't be? A scrawny, teen boy where there should be a girl, tears running down his face, hands pulling down on his cap.

Mabel took a deep breath
"Grunkle Ford, this is Dipper."


Dipper ran up to the attic, tears clouding his vision. Why did he agree to come here in the first place?

That was stupid. He was stupid! Why couldn't he have just stayed where he belonged?

~10 minutes earlier~

"SOOS! WENDY!" Mabel through the door on an old, run down shack. Not wanting to be left behind, Dipper quickly walking in behind her.

Mabel ran to a redhead, a large man in a green shirt, and a guy with a brown coat and red sweater vest, hugging each of them in turn. Slowly, the attention turned to Dipper.

"So, this is the famous Mya Pines, huh? Welcome to Gravity Falls!" The guy in the brown coat, who's name was apparently Grunkle Ford, said.

"Um, i-it's Dipper, actually. I'm a boy."

That seemed to stop everyone in their tracks, all staring at him. Panic began to rise up in his throat.

"Ok! Dipper's gonna go unpack his things, I'll get him for dinner" Mabel said cheerily, gently pushing him up the stairs.

"Take two rights then a left. Third door, left hand side. Go as fast as you want." She whispered in his ear. He nodded shakily and ran.


"Um, Mabel…what just happened?" Ford was the first to speak up, clearly confused.

I'm sorry bro bro, but it's better if I tell them.

"Ah, well. Dipper's trans. He goes by Mason or Dipper, and he/him." She kept her fingers crossed behind her back, hoping for a positive response.

"Plus, he's really socially anxious. People make him really scared so please don't crowd him or anything. It took two whole years of begging to get him to even consider coming here."

Ford looked mildly concerned, Stan looked bewildered, Soos didn't seem to care and Wendy went back to "Avoid Eye Contact Monthly".

"So, when can I say hi to the little dude? He seems kinda nervous…" Soos asked.

"Let's go check on him, come on!" Mabel had never felt more relieved.


Dipper wanted to cry, scream, hit someone, or maybe all three, simultaneously!

Unfortunately, he didn't have to choose, because there was a small knock at the door.

"Uh, Dipper? Soos wants to say hi!" Mabel said from behind the door.

"Come in!" He quickly wiped his eyes as Mabel and Soos came in.

Mabel came straight to sit next to him, but Soos stayed a few steps behind, not wanting to overwhelm Dipper.

"Uh, hey little dude. How are you?"

A/N: bleh. Not a very good cutoff point, but oh well!
I'll try to update once a week, or more if I feel like it :)
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- Callisto

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