Chapter Three - Perfect?

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A/N - hellooooo everyone!
I've been sick for two weeks and I feel horrible. But the show must go on, so here's a new chapter :)
Without further ado, enjoy!

Turns out, people aren't all bad.

In the days since he had arrived, Dipper had been completely accepted, accommodated for and 100%, completely, happy.

Meltdowns and panic attacks were navigated in an almost professional manner, nobody cared about his stims and the days were repetitive and simple.

Of course, it wasn't all perfect. He had yet to have a proper conversation with Stan, who seemed to avoid him at every chance he got. But all in all, this was a near perfect summer.

"Ahh…perfect." He sighed, looking out the window of his shared room in the attic. Dipper stood up and made his way down the stairs, stretching as he went.

"...tell him about the weirdness!"

That stopped him pretty firmly in his tracks.

"I know, I know…but you can't talk, you haven't spoken more than three words to him this whole time!"

A sigh.

"It's just really confusing. How can she be a boy? She was born a girl!"

Another sigh.

"Talk. To. Him. It's important."

Dipper was on the verge of tears. Stan thought he was a girl? Was that why he hadn't spoken to him?

Despite still wanting some more Pitt cola, he ran back up to his room as silently as possible.

Sadly, he had entirely misjudged the height of the stairs. He fell down pretty hard, hitting his arm hard on the way.

"Ow!" He clamped his hands over his mouth, hoping that the older twins hadn't heard his yell, his heart going a million miles a minute

A door opened.






"Dipper, are you ok? Did you fall down the stairs?" Ford's face loomed large over him, seeming 10 feet tall.

"Give the kid some space, Ford." Stan put his hand on his brother's shoulder and pulled him back a bit.

"Y-yeah, I'm ok…I just fell. I'll be alright." Dipper mumbled, really hating the attention.

"Ok! Well, I have to go get dinner started, and Stan needs to go make a new attraction, right brother?" Ford said through his teeth, hitting his brother a little too forcefully.

"Ah, yes, the six-pack-alope needs some restitching! I must be going!" Stan chuckled in a very unstan-like way.

"Rrright, I'm gonna go get some more Pitt cola." Dipper started to walk away from this increasingly awkward interaction. What the fuck had just happened?


The next day was a very tiring day.

As usual, he had to help in the shop for a few hours. It was nothing out of the ordinary, just a bunch of tourists with too much cash to spend on stupid stuff.

Mabel was as hyperactive as always (seriously, she's ADHD as fuck lmao), Wendy worked behind the register and Soos did general handyman things.

No, it wasn't the morning that was stressful, it was the afternoon.

Lunch came and went, then his shift ended, leaving him with too much time and not enough to do. He decided to go upstairs and see if there was anything good on TV.

No, just some old Ducktective reruns.

He went to the kitchen to maybe get a snack, some cola? He walked in and Stan was sitting at the counter, staring at him as he walked in.


The door slammed shut, and there was a little click sound as it locked.


The door locked?

Dipper turned to face Stan, who now had sweat beading on his forehead.

This was going to be a horrible afternoon.

Any particular tropes/headcanons/parings you guys want to see? Better tell me now so I can incorporate them into the story!
Have a good day/night!

Word count - 583

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