Chapter 3

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Argentina POV

I was about to continue with the story, but the sound of yelling could be heard overhead.
"Is someone out there!?" Canada yelled.
"I don't know but I will check." Pakistan replied, she grabbed a small black pistol and hurried outside.

Pakistan POV

I hurried over to the front of the building. Once I saw who was out there I froze "but he was dead?!" I yelled. I shook my head it doesn't matter who it is. I called out his name
"German Empire!!" I called he looked to see where his name was being called. "Pakistan?"
I waved motioning him to come over. He hurried over and went inside as I shut the door behind him. "Are you okay?" I asked him he nodded. "You?" "Yeah.."

"Are you alone?" He nodded.. "well.. I was with Austria-hungry and Germany but we got separated..." he looked down. "That was about 5 days ago"
"You where the first 'person' I saw.."
"Well besides the zombies." I nodded, "it's not just me here" I'll show you.. he followed behind me as we walked toward the basement. "Guys!"
"I'm back!" The door opened to Canada his gaze looking at German empire. "Pakistan you found someone!" He called. I nodded as he opened the door all the way letting us in before closing it back.

"It's just me, Brazil, Canada, and Argentina.." I said motioning to the countries as I said their name. "It's good to see your okay Empire" Argentina smiled. "You to." Empire replied

Empire POV

"So.. if you don't mind me asking.." Canada started. "Who where you with before you found us?" I thought for a minute. "Austria-Hungary and Germany.." I replied "How did you get separated?" Brazil chipped in. "If you don't mind.." I started, "I would rather not talk about it.." Brazil gave me a nod in showing he understands. "That's alright you don't have to tell right now." He stated giving a thumbs up.

"Anyway.. how long have you been here?" I asked. "Since the beginning" Canada stated. "We got here on day one or two." "Was anyone else here?" Canada nodded sadly. "America, and India." "While me, India, and Ame where out on a supply run.." he hesitated before continuing. "A hoard of the undead came out of nowhere." "They separated us and only I made it back.." He stopped and started to tear up..
until he let it go and started to cry. "I miss my brother!" He cried. Argentina ran up to him and hugged him rubbing circles on his back.

"It's okay.." Argentina said calmly. "I'm positive they will be okay, they are strong countries" she reassured him.

"I'm sure they will be okay.."
word count:455
Sorry for the late chapter I had small writers block :( but here is chapter 3
Have a good day or night

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